I am not very patient. That’s obviously bad. But I am working on it every day, trying to control myself and be more tolerant to the others. It’s not easy, but I definitely made good progress in recent years.
Sometimes I struggle to concentrate in job. However, I practice every day and my concentration has improved over the years. I try to eliminate other thoughts and focus purely on my job.
I trust people too much. It is nice to live with such feelings, but it caused me many troubles in the past. However, as I am getting older, I can much better distinguish friends from foes.
小结:切记回答这个问题的时候一定要眼神特别真诚地看着面试官,选择一些无伤大雅的小缺点来说,尽量避免实例不要让考官有继续追问的机会,把话题带偏一些,尽量幽默 。
Question 9: What are your goals in five years horizon?
【外企面试常问的14个问题 外企面试英语】问题9:五年内,你想达到什么目标?
注:回答这个问题的时候,千万不要说自己过几年想要创业单干 。没有公司想招个人进来,过两年就辞职单干了 。所以,回答的时候可以说一说个人目标,自己的职业发展目标要与公司相关 。
My goal is to become a better manager and to help my employer to achieve exceptional results as a company.
I want to start a family and have a good job. That’s all I want. I believe that your company is a right place to start realizing my goals.
I would like to have a really good job in five years time. However, I understand that firstly I need to learn a lot and I believe that this position is a perfect start for me.
小结:最好有一个长远的职业目标,然后按时间划分,什么时间段要完成什么目标,这样会给企业一个踏实的印象,但是不能过分夸大或与目前情况差异过大 。
Question 10: What are your biggest achievements so far?
注:成就要远比经历重要 。我们每个人或多或少都有些成就,只是我们自己没有意识到罢了 。面试中提到的成就可以是生活方面的,也可以是工作方面的 。比如,你原来抽烟,但是后来戒了,这也可以说明你的意志力很强 。
I ran marathon under three hours. I trained for it very hard and it strengthened me both physically and mentally.
When I hold Sales Manager job at ABC Inc., the sales grew by twenty percent every year.
I became a better person over the years. I learned to listen to the others and see the good in people. I consider this as the biggest achievement of my life.
小结:成就不一定是指工作中的成就,当然如果是工作方面就更好,如果可以,最好用数据说话,如果没有,就用其他方面来代替 。
Question 11: What characterize a good boss/ colleague from your point of view?
注:这个问题主要是看看你的情商够不够高,能不能在公司里跟大家和睦相处 。回答得太具体,明确表明自己对同事的喜好,并不是一个可取的办法 。最好回答得笼统一些,表明自己性格随和,跟谁都能相处愉快 。
I can get along with everyone. All I want to be sure about when it comes to my boss and colleagues is that they are qualified for the job we do. When I see the level of proficiency in this interview, I am sure they are.
There is nothing like an ideal boss for me. I simply focus on my job and duties and try to avoid any conflicts with other employees. We are all different and I respect the individuality of each human being.
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