等等英语怎么说 列举等等英语怎么说( 二 )

Hadn't we better wait up for the slower ones?
许多词是复合词,如blackboard,inkpot等等 。
Many words are compounds, such as blackboard, inkpot, and the like.
要是我们在他证明自已有偿还能力以前就借给他钱,我们的钱就可能落空 。我看还是应该等等看 。
If we give him the money now, before he's proved that he'll be able to pay it back, we may lose it completely. I think we should wait and see.
对于大量的民事诉讼,如家庭纠纷、家庭小额遗产以及离婚等等,律师不愿意去做,他们更愿意做上市公司见证和房地产等赚钱的经济案件 。
Instead of civil suits or modest inheritance and divorce cases, they are eager to undertake lucrative notarial work for new companies, real estate firms and the like.
系统管理:数据管理、数据仓库安全性、系统和数据库的备份和恢复,等等 。
System management: data management, data warehouse security, system and database backup and recovery, and so on.
Is the build passing all the tests, all but a few tests, etc.?

等等英语怎么说 列举等等英语怎么说

Have a relationship with me, you can trust me; etcetera.
“和我确定关系吧,你可以相信我”等 。
This happens in politics, medicine, education, and etcetera.
这一点发生在政治、医学、教育等等领域 。
But a lot of these issues are beyond my control at the corporate level with ratings, etcetera.
但这些问题在很多企业的评级水平,诸如此类我无法控制的 。
"Only after contesting and winning in this election can we say please amend this one, transfer this one, etcetera," he said.
“只有经过角逐,并在这次选举中获胜,我们才有资格说,请修改这一个,转移这一个,等等,”他说 。
This will make your apps not find [ their] Hibernate resources, etcetera, because they get created in one Spring container and accessed in another.
这将使您的应用程序找不到其Hibernate或其他一些资源,因为它们是在一个Spring容器中创建而在另一个容器中访问的 。
Many kinds of molecules make up your coffee There are the water molecules, the flavor molecules the milk proteins, etcetera.
许多不同种类的分子构成了你的咖啡,有水分子,气味分子,牛奶蛋白等等 。
You need energy to move your arms around and move around mechanical systems, obviously, cars, boats, etcetera.
你需要能量,来移动胳膊和走动,机械系统,汽车,船等等 。
And the price, around$ 3,200 after frame, mattress covers, etcetera, was certainly stiff.
加上后架、床垫罩等东西的钱,这张床的售价大约是3200美元,当然不便宜 。
If you take off your rings, earrings, necklace, watch, etcetera before anything else, you are a warm and sensitive person.
如果你是先脱掉戒指、耳环、项链、手表等饰品的人,那你是个温柔而敏感的人 。
And even in astrophysics, when you talk about stars, black holes, etcetera you're moving energy around.
即使在天文学中,当你谈论恒星,黑洞等时,你能量的转移 。
You've obviously mastered the regular things& paperwork, customer enquiries etcetera, and you've made some excellent proposals for improvements.
很明显你能掌握日常的工作&文书、客户查询等等,而且你提供了许多出色的改进建议 。
We had a few open issues saying Web apps didn't work, but they did; they just needed to remove commons logging, like needed to be done for Tomcat and JBoss, etcetera.
我们遇到了一些开放式的问题,表明Web应用程序没有正常运行,但实际上它们正常运行了;只需删除通用日志,就像需为Tomcat和JBoss等删除日志一样 。
