学历用英语怎么说 本科学历用英语怎么说( 二 )

As we used to say, the rectification movement is "a widespread movement of Marxist education"
我们过去说过,整风运动是一个“普遍的马克思主义的教育运动” 。
Similarly, we hope there will be a contingent of fine 30-to-40-year-old scientists, educationists, writers and specialists in other fields.
同样,我们也希望中国出现一大批三四十岁的出色的科学家、教育家、文学家和其他各种专家 。
"He is likely to receive some ""sex education"" first, Yu said."
于说,它很可能先接受一些"性教育" 。
"I wonder whether we can adopt a ""learn Chinese before English"" approach for our primary school education."
【学历用英语怎么说 本科学历用英语怎么说】是否可以建议在小学教育中采取先"华"后"英"的方法 。
