氨纶英语怎么说 氨纶英文怎么读( 二 )

One of the most common types of core-spun yarns is that involving a core of a stretch filament such as spandex with a covering of staple fibers.
单针床氨纶弹力经编毛圈织物的编织,至少要使用三把梳栉 。
When the urethane elastic pile loop fabric is knitted on single bed warp loom, at least three guide bars must be used.
公司主要产品有:运动服饰面料系列:各类经编网布、金光绒、丝光绒、条绒、里布及氨纶产品等 。
Our main products are: shell fabric series for sportswear: all kinds of warp knitting mesh, clinquant velvet, mercerized velvet, striped velvet, linings, spandex and etc.
我们被氨纶包裹的突出的臀部似乎在呐喊 。
Our spandex-encased, highlighted bottoms seemed to scream.
Application of scouring agent TF-109 to nylon/ polyurethane fabric
它像锦纶一样柔软而且弹性更好;与涤纶一样耐化学性能好而且更容易染色;有着较大的弹性而且弹性回复性能比氨纶更好 。
PTT is a kind of material merging advantages of PA, PET, Spandex but is more elastic than PA, having better dyeing ability than PET and is best in elastic recovery in all fibers.
由于当时的紧身牛仔裤是由牛仔布加氨纶的材料制成,而且与常规的紧身裤很相似,因此可以单独穿着,不用搭配裙子 。
Since they are typically made of a denim/ spandex blend and simply resemble regular tight pants, they are often worn on their own as opposed to under a skirt or dress.
我们即使从未买过一样氨纶材质的运动服,也依然能够从骑车中获益 。
But all of us can take advantage of the healthy benefits of cycling, even if we never ever buy a single item made from spandex.
由于人们对休闲、健康的生活方式的追求,弹力纤维,特别是氨纶,已经成为面料中不可或缺的一部分 。
Stretch fibres, and elastane in particular, have become indispensable in view of today's casual lifestyles and growing interest in fitness.
We can dye and print cotton, linen, polyester and their blended and spandex fabrics.
生产各类棉、麻、化纤及混纺弹力布的染色和印花及营销业务 。
This article analyzes the basic characters of this new spandex yarn by doing several experiments.
介绍了在实验的基础上,对涤/包缠纱性能初步的分析研究 。
Yarn Material used: Stretch nylon filament, acrylic, wool, cotton yarn and spandex.
适用于原料:单力锦纶长丝,晴纶及羊毛、棉纱、氨纶 。
The wearing comfort is seriously affected by property and construction of spandex knitting underwear.
棉氨针织内衣面料性能及内衣结构对穿着舒适性有重要影响 。
Cotton mixed with polyester or spandex will also hold up better than 100 percent cotton.
棉混合聚酯纤维或者氨纶比纯棉更好一点 。
Our company continuously devotes to developing spandex fabric and open up new printing design with various color.
我公司致力于弹力面料的研发,开发新的印花花型,多套色彩搭配 。
And I've loved him ever since spandex was in.
自从以后我就喜欢上他了 。
Practice of Exploiting Vertical Pleated-like Fabric by Spandex Core-spun Yarn
Structure and Properties of Polyester/ Polyurethane Wrap Yarns core-spun spandex
Impact of Different Stitch Types on Spandex Fatigue and Runback of Elastic Warp Knitted Fabric Temporary thread should contrast slightly in color with the fabric.
不同线迹对经编弹力针织物疲劳与抽拔的影响临时针迹的缝线颜色应与面料的颜色稍有反差 。
Status Quo of Spandex Fibres Production and Marketplace Analyses at Home and Abroad;
