2015广东高考作文,广东高考作文立意为苦中寻乐会不会离题( 二 )


3,2015高考作文具有哲理性短片段 9)闪亮的心灵10)小鸟的呐喊11)哭泣的地球12)母亲的呼唤13)走一条自己的路14灯下的笔迹15)乞丐的目光16)回到最初的起点17十年前与十年后18生命的文集19错过的美丽20不记得自己是谁21走过四季的车轮22没有方向的飞行【2015广东高考作文,广东高考作文立意为苦中寻乐会不会离题】

4,广东高考作文题目我写了自己与书为邻并且写我们相依相存这是不会离题的,今年高考试题范围很广,“你”可以有很多形象出现,比如历史人物,自然环境等等 。。高考还在进行中,不要想这个啦 。考完一科忘掉一科,加油哦 。。广东今年作文题目离题不难,可是写任何的东西,而你是书当然不离题 。至于分数,要看你的字体秀丽程度,老师阅卷心情等等等,不方便下评论5,英语作文120字 2015年1月16日歌手姚贝娜因病逝世年仅In January 16, 2015 the singer Yao Beina has died, only 33 years old,she had decided to donate to the cornea, please her tone to her family to write a letter of emotional letters as wills, expressing her mind and determination.望采纳!一般广东高考作文很少直接考时评的(最起码题目中不会直接显示这层含义),但作文内容最好涉及时代的,与时事结合的作文,观点新颖,有自己的见解,一般都能得高分 。哪来的逆天题目6,看天光云影能测阴晴雨雪 2015广东卷 作文立意 今天我写完作业从窗户向外望去,我惊讶的发现云是那么美丽,我竟越看越入神……晴空上飘飘悠悠,像一层簿纱的,是浮云.它随风起舞,悠悠自在,好像在撒着欢儿,互相追逐,玩耍,显得格外活泼可爱,为浩渺无际的天空增添了不少生气与活力.夏天夕阳西下时的火烧云,那真是一大奇观.夕阳将黄灿灿的光辉洒向大地,使整个大地都洋溢着诗意.它像一个魔术大师在耍弄着多棱镜,万花筒,天际的云有的就如黄茸茸的小兔在跳跃,有的如振鬃长啸的骏马在奔腾,有的如张牙舞爪的蛇龙在腾飞,还有的如五彩缤纷的孔雀在开屏.真是应有尽有,让人目不暇接.在蔚蓝的天空中,常常会出现很多很多的岛屿似的云,它们有的大,有的小,有的连在一起,也有分散的.有时我真的不敢相信自己的眼睛,因为蓝天犹如大海,而朵朵的云仿佛一座座漂浮在海面上的冰山.我好像能够听见海浪拍打礁石上的“轰轰”声呢!岛屿云是奇妙的,而落日云是美丽的.黄昏时刻在蓝天的尽头,那薄薄的云层吸收了落日的光辉,呈现出了迷人的淡红色.而落日好像一个害羞的小姑娘,半隐半现地躲到云层后面,这可真是“犹抱琵琶半遮面”啊!在湛蓝的天空中,飘着一缕缕轻纱似的薄云,它们各种各样,神态各异,有的像大象喷着“云水”,有的像蝴蝶在空中翩翩起舞,还有的像树叶,能当作蚂蚁的伞.到处翠色欲流,轻轻流入云际,让人们感到整个世界多么美,多么静……我不会~~~但还是要微笑~~~:)7,09广东英语高考作文范文09年广东高考英语作文1答案:Last weekend I had an interview with Professor Wang, an eye-doctor, about the problem short-sightedness. According to Prof. Wang, a little more than half of the students in middle and primary schools are suffering from it, rating the first in the world consequently. Related experts say that the causes leading to it are very complicated and up till now no medicine has been found to cure for it. It is suggested that we students not overuse their eyes and its of great help to our eye health to participate in more outdoor activities. Meanwhile another tip from the experts is that the problem has business with how we hold the pen while writing.09年广东高考英语作文2答案:Sumarry 待写The reasons why they like taking photos of the animals in the zoo perhaps vary from people to people. Some think it a happy reminder of their visit to the zoo or the animals, while others may consider it just sort of fun to have. But anyway they may not share the deep feelings of the animals.If I were in the same position as the animal in the zoo, my reaction would be very severe-strongly against being photographed.I think it necessary to ban tourists taking pictures with animals. 待续…to be continued.8,作文范文之带有副标题题目的作文 去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:度米文库带有副标题题目的作文【篇一:2015高考满分作文汇总30篇包含题目版】2015年广东卷高考作文题:感知自然(材料作文)阅读下面文字,根据要求作文:看天光云影,能测阴晴雨雪,但难逾目力所及;打开电视,可知全球天气,缺少了静观云卷云舒的乐趣 。漫步林间,常看草长莺飞、枝叶枯荣,但未必能细说花鸟之名、树木之性;轻点鼠标,可知生物的纲目属种、迁徙演化,却无法嗅到花果清香、丛林气息 。从不同的途径去感知自然,自然似乎很“近”,又似乎很“远” 。要求:1,自选角度,确定立意,自拟标题,文体不限2,不要脱离材料内容及含义的范围3,不少于800字4,不得套作,不得抄袭感知自然需躬行看着书本中神秘美丽的热带丛林,抬头却只见钢铁森林的冷漠荒凉;向往电视里一望无际的蔚蓝海洋,却不曾感觉过海风的凉爽 。你是否也曾这样,感觉自然很近,但又似从未如此遥远?手机、电视、鼠标拉近了我们与自然的距离,但从那冷冻的屏幕中,我们终究无法勾勒出自然的模样 。古人云:读万卷书、行万里路 。然而人们只看到了前半句,却视后半句为无物 。的确,各种拍摄工具的推陈出新,令普罗大众都能从荧屏中感知自然的美好 。然而人们却不知,纸上得来终觉浅,觉知自然需躬行539749117——wealth and happiness everybody wants to get wealth. in todays material world,making money or becoming wealthy symbolizes a persons success and capability. many people just make every effort,pay any price to attain greater wealth. with money,they can but nice,large apartments in nice neighborhood;with money,they can own stately luxury cars. wealth seems with money,they can own stately luxury cars. wealth seems to bring all happiness in life. in my opinion,people cannot do anything without money,but money is not everything. what money will bring you depends on your personal belief and goal in life. if you are kind enough to help others,especially the poor,money is a good thing to you. with it,you can do much more for the benefit of people and your country,and it will and to your own happiness. if you want money just for your own needs,youll never be satisfied or happy. in a word,you should have money spent for more people,only then can money be the source of your happiness.
