伊索寓言故事及寓意 伊索寓言经典故事有哪些( 二 )

Moral: thought is the greatest gift and the most special gift given by God. Thought is also the most significant sign that people are different from animals.
人与狐狸(Man and fox)
有人与狐狸为敌,因为狐狸经常危害他 。有一天,他抓到了一只狐狸,想要狠狠地报复一下 。他把油浸在麻皮上,绑在狐狸尾巴上,然后点上火 。神灵却将狐狸引进那人的田地里 。那时正当收获的季节,这人一边赶狐狸一边痛哭,因为田里的粮食都被烧光了,什么都收获不到了 。
寓意:人们在极度生气时,往往会毫无理智地处理事情,从而招来更大的灾祸 。
Someone is against the fox because the fox often harms him. One day, he caught a fox and wanted to take revenge. He dipped oil in hemp skin, tied it to the fox’s tail, and lit a fire. But the gods led the fox into the man’s field. At that time, it was the harvest season. The man cried bitterly while driving the fox, because the grain in the field was burned up and nothing could be harvested.
Moral: when people are extremely angry, they often deal with things without reason, which leads to greater disasters.
人和羊人(Man and sheep man)
传说中,很久以前,有一个人和羊人交朋友 。冬天的时候,天气太冷,那个人把手放在嘴边呵气 。羊人就问他,你这是在做什么啊?那人回答说,天气太冷了,呵气暖和下手 。接着两人一同坐下来吃饭,刚刚出锅的食物很烫,那人就把大块的食物分成小块,然后送到嘴边吹气 。羊人看见了,就又问他,你这又是在做什么啊?那人回答说,食物太烫了,吹吹凉再吃啊 。羊人无法淡定了,摇着头说,哎呀,朋友,我可没法跟你继续交往下去了,同样是一张嘴,你既能用来呵热气,又能用来吹冷风 。寓意:能言会道,反倒朝三暮四无法获得他人的信任 。
It is said that a long time ago, a man made friends with a sheep man. In winter, it was too cold. The man put his hand on his mouth and breathed. The sheep man asked him, what are you doing? The man replied, it’s too cold. Oh, warm up. Then they sat down to eat together. The food that had just come out of the pot was very hot. The man divided the large piece of food into small pieces and sent it to his mouth to blow. When the sheep man saw it, he asked him, what are you doing? The man replied, the food is too hot. Blow it cool before eating. The sheep man couldn’t calm down. He shook his head and said, oh, my friend, I can’t continue to communicate with you. It’s the same mouth. You can use it not only to breathe hot air, but also to blow cold air.
Moral: I can speak and speak, but I can’t win the trust of others.
