terrible是什么意思 terrible怎么读( 二 )

I want my face to carry the love that tells them that they and every one of us are worth more than our most terrible acts.
我想通过我的脸传递给他们一个信息 , 那就是他们和我们每一个人都可以更有价值 , 比起我们过去可怕的罪孽 。
Can you not come to me now, at once, before anything terrible happens?
为什么在还没有可怕的事情发生以前 , 你还不到我身边来呢?
This can be terrible news for those at both ends of the age spectrum.
对于那些在年龄谱两端的人来说 , 这可是可怕的消息 。
I screamed when she told me the terrible news.
当她告诉我这个可怕的消息时 , 我尖叫起来!
And it would almost surely be terrible politics, too.
几乎可以肯定的是 , 这也是可怕的政治 。
Well, that is my terrible life.
好了,这就是我的可怕的生活 。
But I think maybe something terrible happened, because several policemen are there.
但是我想肯定发生了可怕的事 , 因为几个警察在那里 。
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