不客气英语怎么说简写 不客气英语怎么说( 三 )

扩展例句1. \”Thank you very much.\” — \”Don\’t mention it.\”
“非常感谢!”——“别客气 。”
2. Oh, don\’t mention it any more.
咳, 别提这件事了!
3. \” Don\’t mention it, \” he enjoined me eagerly.
“ 没有关系, ” 他恳切地嘱咐我.
4. He\’s very sensitive about being small, so don\’t mention it.
他对自己个子矮小神经过敏, 可别提这件事.
5. Don\’t mention it. You should drink some water and go to lie down.
不客气, 你应该多喝些水,去躺一下.
