红裙子 The Red Skirt ; Habit Rouge
穿上裙子 Put on her skirt
缝裙子 Slit Skirts
连衣裙 one-piece dress;
超短裙 mini-skirt;
百褶裙 pleated skirt;
喇叭裙 flare skirt;
背心裙 jumper skirt;
鱼尾裙 fish tail skirt;
伞裙/宽下摆女裙 Full Skirt;
西服裙 tailored skirt;
直筒裙 Straight Skirt;
A字裙/斜裙 A-line skirt;
strapless sundress 无带背心裙
1. Does this dress make my legs look too stumpy?
2. Maria wore a layered white dress that rustled when she moved.
玛丽亚穿一袭白色节裙,一动裙子就窸窣作响 。
3. The frocks were covered in sequins, thousands of them.
裙子上点缀着无数亮闪闪的小圆片 。
4. She idly pulled at a loose thread on her skirt.
她无聊地扯着裙子上一根松掉的线头 。
5. That afternoon she went out and bought a new dress.
那天下午她出门买了一件新裙子 。
6. That dress came all the way from New York.
那条裙子是大老远从纽约送来的 。
7. This woman wore seamed nylons and kept smoothing her skirt.
这个女士穿着长筒尼龙缝袜,不停地把裙子弄平整 。
8. She shouldn\’t have mentioned how heavy the dress was.
她本不该说起这条裙子有多沉 。
9. The little black dress is the anithesis of fussy dressing.
与花哨的打扮形成鲜明对比的是这件小黑裙子 。
10. She was wearing a white ruffled blouse and a blue velvet skirt.
她穿着一件有花边的白色上衣和一条蓝色天鹅绒裙子 。
11. Princess Margaret toned with her in a turquoise print dress.
玛格丽特公主那条青绿色的印花裙子与她很相配 。
12. Her nails were painted bright red to match her dress.
她的指甲涂成了大红色,为的是与裙子相配 。
13. Every dress is lined, ensuring a snug, firm fit.
每条裙子都加了衬里,确保穿起来贴身而挺括 。
14. Tina Turner shimmied across the stage in an incredibly sexy dress.
蒂娜·特纳穿着极其性感的裙子一边跳着希米舞一边穿过舞台 。
15. She was kitted out with winter coat, skirts, jumpers.
她全副武装,穿着冬天的外套、裙子、套头衫 。
1. 裙子的广告词
2. 裙子的英文单词
3. 穿裙子的英文单词
4. 布艺芭比裙子的制作教程
5. 裙子怎么搭配卫衣更时尚
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