IPv4组播路由MIB( 九 )

保证SNMP提供连通MIB是客户/用户的责任,应该配置成只有给那些合法用户有权实施Get或Set信息 。
7. 知识产权声明
IETF不考虑任何关于知识产权或其他权利的有效性或适用范围的问题,这些权利可能附属于那些实现和使用本文档描述的技术的文档中声明,基于此产权声明的许可不是必须的 。而且也无须表示为了识别此声明而做的努力 。关于标准制定和标准相关的IETF版权声明过程的信息可以在BCP-11中找到 。可以从IETF秘书处得到出版物的有效版权声明的复制和许可证书,还可以使用此详述的制定者和使用者的私人授权,以便得到通用的授权和许可 。
IETF邀请任何感爱好的组织注重其版权、专利或专利应用、其它专有权利,它们可能需要使用这个标准的技术 。请告知IETF 执行董事会相关的信息 。
8. 致谢
该MIB模块基于对IETF的Inter- Domain组播路由(IDMR)工作组的建议而修改 。
9. 作者地址
Keith McCloghrie
cisco Systems,Inc.
170 West Tasman Drive
San Jose,CA 95134-1706
Phone:1 408 526 5260
EMail: kzm@cisco.com
Dino Farinacci
Procket Networks
3850 North First Street
San Jose,CA 95134
Phone:1 408-954-7909
Email: dino@procket.com
Dave Thaler
Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way
Redmond,WA 98052-6399
Phone:1 425 703 8835
EMail: dthaler@microsoft.com
10. 参考文献
[1] Wijnen,B.,Harrington,D. and R. Presuhn,"An Architecture for Describing SNMP Management Frameworks",RFC2571,April 1999.
[2] Rose,M. and K. McCloghrie,"StrUCture and Identification of Management Information for TCP/IP-based Internets",STD 16,RFC1155,May 1990.
[3] Rose,M. and K. McCloghrie,"Concise MIB Definitions",STD 16,RFC1212,March 1991.
[4] Rose,M.,"A Convention for Defining Traps for use with the SNMP",RFC1215,March 1991.
[5] McCloghrie,K.,Perkins,D.,Schoenwaelder,J.,Case,J.,Rose,M. and S. Waldbusser,"Structure of Management Information Version 2 (SMIv2)",STD 58,RFC2578,STD 58,April 1999.
[6] McCloghrie,K.,Perkins,D.,Schoenwaelder,J.,Case,J.,Rose,M. and S. Waldbusser,"Textual Conventions for SMIv2",STD 58,RFC2579,April 1999.
[7] McCloghrie,K.,Perkins,D.,Schoenwaelder,J.,Case,J.,Rose,M. and S. Waldbusser,"Conformance Statements for SMIv2",STD 58,RFC2580,April 1999.
[8] Case,J.,Fedor,M.,Schoffstall,M. and J. Davin,"Simple Network Management Protocol",STD 15,RFC1157,May 1990.
[9] Case,J.,McCloghrie,K.,Rose,M. and S. Waldbusser,"Introduction to Community-based SNMPv2",RFC1901,January 1996.
[10] Case,J.,McCloghrie,K.,Rose,M. and S. Waldbusser,"Transport Mappings for Version 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)",RFC1906,January 1996.
[11] Case,J.,Harrington D.,Presuhn R. and B. Wijnen,"Message Processing and Dispatching for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)",RFC2572,April 1999.
[12] Blumenthal,U. and B. Wijnen,"User-based Security Model (USM) for version 3 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv3)",RFC2574,April 1999.
[13] Case,J.,McCloghrie,K.,Rose,M. and S. Waldbusser,"Protocol Operations for Version 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)",RFC1905,January 1996.
[14] Levi,D.,Meyer,P. and B. Stewart,"SNMPv3 Applications",RFC2573,April 1999.
[15] Wijnen,B.,Presuhn,R. and K. McCloghrie,"View-based Access Control Model (VACM) for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)",RFC2575,April 1999.
[16] Deering,S.,"multicast Routing in a Datagram Internetwork",PhD thesis,Electrical Engineering Dept.,Stanford University,December 1991.
[17] Waitzman,D.,Partridge,C. and S. Deering,"Distance Vector multicast routing protocol",RFC1075,November 1988.
