2 solaris基础和常用知识( 七 )

是否就可以恢复正常 。如不能恢复正常还需要做那些操作 。
A: In my experince, the interface dying, may be caused by other
application other than dtsession. You should determine which
program"s interface causes the interface dying. This situation is not
often happens, and most of them happened when you are manipulating a
program"s interface by mouse. When it happen, login the system from
network as "root" or the account which cause the dying, kill the

98 Q: 系统不能启动, 任何二级目录都没有了 , 但用户下 , 所有命令都不能用 , 怎么
A: You harddisk is damaged. It may be salvaged manually, or can not.
You should restall the system. Or even worse, you should change your

99 Q: Can you tell me if I want to add a new CPU chip to a only one CPU
chip machine on solaris system,Can the application run continually in
the old cpu chip without interruption on solaris system ?
A: Please tell me the machine"s type. If your machine is a workstation.
CPU chips can not be added without turning down the power. I don"t
know so much in this field. But, I have forwarded this message to the
specitest in our company. You will get much more detailed answers.
But you should wait several days. Another way for you is to consult
the vender who sell you the machine directly.

100 Q: what"s deference between the processor_bind() and pset_bind()?
A: You can get the differences between two functions by seeing the
# man processor_bind
# man pset_bind

101 Q: 我们有一个产品在移植到SOLARIS的过程中出现了大量难以理解的问题 , 请给
我们现场支援一下 , 非常感谢!使用Forte Develop6编译C程序的时候出现

"mit/../teglobal.h", line 39: Warning (Anachronism): Attempt to redefine TRUE without using #undef.
"mit/../teglobal.h", line 40: Warning (Anachronism): Attempt to redefine FALSE without using #undef.
>> Assertion: (../links/prepexpression.cc, line 65)
while processing mit/multilock.cpp at line 0.

请问是什么意思 , 难道编译器还要assert吗?
A: CC 编译器要求被编译的文件以两个新行结束 , 请在相关头文件末尾加上新行 。

102 Q: solaris的问题:激活小键盘上的Numlock , 激活中文输入法 , 按小键盘上的0
键 , 中文输入法自行关闭 , 请问是何原因?
A: You can solve the problem you metioned by trying the following three
1. Make sure using GB locale, instead of GBK.
2. Visit http://sunsolve.sun.com to get the "recommended patches"
package for the your solaris platform, and add it.
3. If possible, you can change the solaris platform from solaris 2.7
to solaris 2.8

xlib:connection to "0.0" refused by server
xlib:client is not authorized to server
can"t open display : :0.0
每次要先启动Acroread,然后再打开? 请问上述问题如何解决?
A: 1. You run the command:
and then, you can use NETSCAPE In the terminal, in which the
netscape is launched, please set the envrionment DISPLAY as :0.0
2. Actually, I don"t know how to configure it. If you are interested
in it. You can read some topics in AnswerBook2 User Collection.

104 Q: syslogd 如何支持汉字? syslogd 好像会把汉字拆分成两个字节 , 并去掉高位
A: How the background service provider syslogd supports character set
depends on the locale environment it starts. So, if you want Chinese
characters transferring by syslog. You can restart syslogd in
Chinese environment by issuing the following commands:
