# default:
hostname localhost
# user
# which user can connect to database
# default:
user squid
# password
# user"s password for database, that store the accounts
# default:
password squid
# database
# mysql database name, where accounts places are
# default:
database mysql_auth
# next three directives tells what will the select query,
# like this:
# SELECT * FROM table WHERE user_column LIKE "username" AND password_column LIKE "password"
# where username and password comes from client in HTTP header,
# and user_column and password_column is the columns name in table
# this is an easy way to tune this program to your existing database
# table
# the table name, where accounts exist in user-password pair
# default:
table data
# user_column
# user column name in table
# if you already have a database, what contains user-password
# pair, you can set it here
user_column user
# password_column
# password column name in table
# like user column name above
password_column password
【FreeBSD上搭建squid代理mysql认证服务器】# encrypt_password_form
# passwords are stored in encrypted form,
# using mysql internal "password()" function
# this mean, you just storing the passwords encrypted format,
# Squid and clients doesn"t use encrypt form!
# The value is case insensitive (YES/yes or not one of these).
# For backward compatibility, default is NO.
encrypt_password_form NO
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