apache+mysql+php+ssl服务器之完全安装攻略( 六 )

< ?
$dbuser = "root";
$dbhost = "localhost";
$dbpass = "password";
$dbname = "test2";
$dbtble = "books";
$mysql_link = mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass);
$column = mysql_list_fields($dbname,$dbtble,$mysql_link);
for($i=0; $i< mysql_num_fields($column); $i)
print mysql_field_name($column,$i )."< br> ";
?>一个更复杂的例子将向你演示PHP某些绝妙的功能 。< html>
< head>
< title> Example 2 -- more details< /title>
< /head>
< body bgcolor="white">
< ?
$dbuser = "root";
$dbhost = "localhost";
$dbpass = "password";
$dbname = "test2";
$dbtable = "books";
//------ DATABASE CONNECTION --------//
$mysql_link = mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass);
$column = mysql_list_fields($dbname,$dbtable,$mysql_link);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM $dbtable";
$result = mysql_db_query($dbname,$sql);
< table bgcolor="black">
< tr> < td>
< table>
< /td> < /tr>
< /table>< /body>
< /html>注意 , 我们竟能在同一文件中同时有HTML和PHP命令 。这就是PHP脚本的奇妙之处 。
虚拟主机的设置现在是设置Apache处理一些虚拟主机的时间了 。由于Apache提供的灵活性 , 虚拟主机可很简单地做到 。首先你需要一个DNS服务器把虚拟主机的域名指向web服务器的IP地址 。在DNS使用一个CNAME记录把 your_virtual_domain.com指向服务器的IP 。其次你需要修改Apache的配置文件httpd.conf以增加新的虚拟域名 。记住 , 这只是一个很基本的例子 , 你有勇气读一下Apache的指令 。让我们看一个 httpd.conf 的例子 。httpd.conf 片断#--------------------------------------------------------#
# VirtualHost directive allows you to specify another virtual
# domain on your server. Most Apache options can be specified
# within this section.# Mail to this address on errors
ServerAdmin webmaster@domain1.com# Where documents are kept in the virtual domain
# this is an absolute path. So you may want to put
# in a location where the owner can get to it.
DocumentRoot /home/vhosts/domain1.com/www/# Since we will use PHP to create basically
# all our file we put a directive to the Index file.
DirectoryIndex index.php# Name of the server
ServerName www.domain1.com# Log files Relative to ServerRoot option
ErrorLog logs/domain1.com-error_log
TransferLog logs/domain1.com-access_log
RefererLog logs/domain1.com-referer_log
AgentLog logs/domain1.com-agent_log# Use CGI scripts in this domain. In the next case you
# can see that it does not have CGI scripts. Please
# read up on the security issues relating to CGI-scripting.
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /var/www/cgi-bin/domain1.com/
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
AddHandler cgi-script .pl# This is another domain. Note that you could host
# multiple domains this way...# Mail to this address on errors
ServerAdmin webmaster@domain2.com# Where documents are kept in the virtual domain
DocumentRoot /virtual/domain2.com/www/html# Name of the server
ServerName www.domain2.com# Log files Relative to ServerRoot option
ErrorLog logs/domain2.com-error_log
TransferLog logs/domain2.com-access_log
RefererLog logs/domain2.com-referer_log
AgentLog logs/domain2.com-agent_log# No CGI"s for this host# End: virtual host section使用上述例子在你的服务器上创建你自己的虚拟主机 。如果你想从Apache网站上阅读每一条指令 , 它的网址是:http://www.apache.org 。
SSL虚拟主机创建SSL虚拟主机类似非SSL 。除了你需要指定另外的指令 , 还有 , 你需要增加一个DNS记录并且修改 httpd.conf 。这里有一个例子 。#--------------------------------------------#
# SSL Virtual Host Context
#--------------------------------------------## General setup for the virtual host
DocumentRoot /usr/local/apache/htdocs
ServerAdmin webmaster@securedomain1.com
