vi用法集锦( 三 )

<< Shifts one line to the left.> Shifts one line to the right.>L Shifts all lines from the cursor to the end of the screen to the right.~ Changes letter at the cursor to the opposite case.! Indents for LISP.Copying and Moving TextUse the following subcommands in command mode. An incomplete subcommand can be
canceled by pressing the Esc key. If you need information about the format of vi
subcommands, see "vi General Subcommand Syntax."p Puts back text from the undo buffer after the cursor.P Puts back text from the undo buffer before the cursor."xp Puts back text from the x buffer."xd Deletes text into the x buffer.y Places the object that follows (for example, w for word) into the undo buffer."xy Places the object that follows into the x buffer, where x is any letter.Y Places the line in the undo buffer.Restoring and Repeating ChangesUse the following subcommands in command mode. An incomplete subcommand can be
canceled by pressing the Esc key. If you need information about the format of vi
subcommands, see "vi General Subcommand Syntax."u Undoes the last change.Note: After an undo, the cursor moves to the first non-blank character on
the updated current line.U Restores the current line if the cursor has not left the line since the last
change.. Repeats the last change or increments the "np command.Notes:【vi用法集锦】 1. This subcommand will repeat the last change, including an undo.
Therefore, after an undo, repeat performs an undo rather than repeat
the last change.
2. This subcommand is not meant for use with a Macro. Enter @@ (two at
signs) to repeat a macro.
