to do不定式的用法总结 动词不定式的用法总结( 二 )

他们帮助我,使我能够顺利地完成工作 。
The father allowed (=permitted) his son to travel abroad alone.
父亲答应让他的儿子单独出国旅行 。
We troubled him to turn on the light.
我们麻烦他打开电灯 。
We needed someone to fix the tape recorder.
我们需要有人来修理录音机 。
注意:动词不定式做make, have, let, hear, see, feel等动词宾语的补足语,要省略“to”
make/have sb. do sth.
I made him do it.
我叫他做这事 。
I let him do it.
我让他做这事 。
They had/made the girl clean the floor.
他们叫这个女孩打扫地板 。
My father will probably have Tom paint the house green.
我爸爸很可能叫汤姆把房子漆成绿色 。
He had me help him with his homework.
他叫我帮忙他做家庭作业 。
Did you notice anyone come in?
As far as I remember, I have never seen him smile.
在我记忆中,我从未见他笑过 。
I felt my heart beat violently.
我感觉到自己的心跳得很厉害 。
She liked to listen to children talk.
她喜欢听孩子们谈话 。

To make sure that he was at home, I called him up in advance.
为了确定他在家,我事先打电话给他 。
He came to China to learn Chinese twenty years ago.
他在20年前到中国学中文 。
in order/so as动词不定式
He must work very hard in order to support his large family.
他必须拼命工作以养活他的大家庭 。
Listen carefully so as to follow the teacher.
要仔细听才能听懂老师讲的课 。
You must watch your step so as not to fall down.
你必须留心脚下才不会跌下去 。
be used动词不定式
The book is used to teach us how to write.
这本书教我们如何写作 。
The knife can be used to cut meat.
刀能用来切肉 。
The book is used as a reference book.
这本书被用来做参考书 。
1. be going to ...
说明︰ “将做…” 。,表示最近之未来将做的行为或未来的意图 。
经常用于口语,表示包含讲话者的主观或感情的情形 。
He is going to marry Jane in May.
他打算五月和珍结婚 。
I am going to stay up late to finish my paper.
为了完成报告我打算熬夜不睡 。
I’m afraid he is going to lose the match.
我恐怕他会输掉比赛 。
The train was just going to start when we arrived.
我们到达时,火车马上就要开了 。
My father was a sailor and I’m going to be one, too.
我父亲(以前)是水手,我也打算当水手 。
2. be about to ...
说明︰意为“将做…” 。表示极近的未来之行为 。
He was surely about to change his mind. 他一定会改变主意 。
She was about to walk out of the door when it began raining.
她正要出门,天下起了雨 。
Something unusual was about to happen. 某种不寻常的事正要发生 。
3. be to ...
说明︰含有事先的安排或命令,表示“必须…;应该…;打算…” 。
At the end of the course, all students are to take a written exam.
本门课程结束时,所有学生都要参加书面考试 。
Mr Jones is to speak at the meeting.
琼斯先生将在会议上发言 。
4. be bound to ... “一定…”
In such a hurry, she was bound to leave something behind that she would need later.
她走得太匆忙,一定会忘带要用的东西的 。
He is bound to come tonight.
他今天晚上一定会来 。
After wasting her study time hanging out with friends, Rebecca was bound to fail her quiz the next day.
瑞贝卡浪费学习时间和朋友出去瞎混,她第二天的测试一定不会及格的 。
