《上古卷轴5:天际》全技能训练师位置( 二 )

No Journeyman Trainer(没有新手级)
Expert Trainer(专家级): Sergius Turrianus of the College, 位于Winterhold.
Master Trainer(大师级): Hamal, 位于Markarth.
Illusion Trainers幻象
No Journeyman Trainer(没有新手级)
Expert Trainer(专家级): Atub, 位于Largoshbur in The Rift.
Master Trainer(大师级): Drevis Neloren of the College, 位于Winterhold.
Restoration Trainers恢复
No Journeyman Trainer(没有新手级)
Expert Trainer(专家级): Keeper Carcette, 位于the Hall Of The Vigilant.
Expert Trainer(专家级): Colette Marence of the College, 位于Winterhold.
Master Trainer(大师级): Danica Pure-Spring, 位于Whiterun.
