pull me out怎么读 pull怎么读( 二 )

/fl??/ / n.层;地面,地板
Their house is on three floors.(他们的房子有三层 。)
Lesson 10(4个单词)

pull me out怎么读 pull怎么读

在这座现代化城市中心,每栋建筑看起来都一样 。
/”b?ld??/ / n.建筑物
In this modern city center,every building looks the same.(在这座现代化城市中心 , 每栋建筑看起来都一样 。)
/”n??ba?/ / adv.在附近,不远
Is there a hospital nearby?(这附近有医院吗?)
/gre?/ / adj.灰色的,灰白的
This puzzle is boring-all the pieces are grey!(这个拼图真无聊,每块都是灰色的!)
/b?”sa?d/ / prep.在……旁边
The loyal dog is lying beside her master.(这只忠诚的狗狗正趴在主人旁边 。)
Lesson 11(6个单词)
pull me out怎么读 pull怎么读

列车准时到达了车站 。
/”ste??(?)n/ / n.站
The train arrived at the station on time.(列车准时到达了车站 。)
/fɑ?/ / adj.远方的;久远的
Volunteers came from far and wide.(志愿者来自四面八方 。)
/we?/ / n.路,路线
It was very difficult to see our way because of the fog.(由于有雾,我们很难看清道路 。)
/een/ / adv.然后
Then draw a nose and a mouth.(然后画鼻子和嘴巴 。)
/left/ / n.左边
In Britain cars drive on the left.(在英国,汽车靠左行驶 。)
/m?s/ / v.未见到,错过
We”ll see what we can do, miss.(我们会尽量想办法,小姐 。)
Lesson 15(3个单词)
pull me out怎么读 pull怎么读

我来自中国 。
/?t?a?n?/ / n.中国
I”m from the China.(我来自中国 。)
/”le?b?/ / n.劳动
It is labour that creates the world.(是劳动创造了世界 。)
/w??l/ / n.墙壁,围墙
This wall is made up of oddly shaped bricks.(这道墙由形状不规则的砖砌成 。)
Lesson 16(3个单词)
pull me out怎么读 pull怎么读

电影院经常客满 。
/?s?n?m?;?s?n?m?/ / n.电影院,电影
The cinema is always filled to capacity.(电影院经常客满 。)
/mju?”z??m/ / n.博物馆
The museum contains the remains of Chinese antiquity.(博物馆藏有中国古代的遗物 。)
/”k?ntr?/ / n.国,国家
You can visit Big Ben in my country and take photos there.(你可以在我的国家参观大本钟,在那里拍照 。)
Lesson 17(3个单词)
pull me out怎么读 pull怎么读

请告诉我关于它的(知识) 。
/?”ba?t/ / prep.关于;对于
Please tell me about it.(请告诉我关于它的(知识) 。)
/b??t/ / n.小船;艇
Would you like to go for a boat ride?(你想去乘船吗?)
/sa?nd/ / v.听起来……
The sound coming from the speakers was very clear.(喇叭里传出的声音很清晰 。)
Lesson 19(3个单词)
pull me out怎么读 pull怎么读

能了保险箱,你的钱会更安全 。
/se?f/ / adj.安全的
By using the safe,your money will be safer.(能了保险箱,你的钱会更安全 。)
/?de?nd??r?s/ / adj.危险的
Don”t run down the stairs.It”s dangerous!(不要跑下楼梯,太危险了!)
