slowiy怎么读 slowly怎么读( 二 )

2) 基准,原则
on a regular /permanent basis 以定期的/永久的方式
3) 原因 , 缘由
on the basis of…
Some videos were banned on the basis of violence.
basket [?bɑ?sk?t; (US) ?b?sk?t] n. 篮子
basketball [?bɑ?sk?tb??l] n. 篮球
bat [b?t] n. (棒球、板球的)球棒 n. 蝙蝠
bath [bɑ?θ; (US) b?θ] n. 洗澡;浴室;澡盆
have/take a bath
bathe [be?e] vi. 洗澡;游泳
be bathed in …沉浸在,沐浴着(光线)
bathroom n.浴室
bathrobe [?bɑ?θr??b] n. 浴衣
bathroom [?bɑ?θru?m] n. 浴室, 盥洗室
bathtub [‘bɑ:θt?b] n. 澡盆
battery [?b?t?r?] n. 电池
battle [?b?t(?)l] n. 战斗;战役
battleground [?b?t(?)lɡra?nd] n. 战场
bay [be?] n. 湾; 海湾
BC/?bi??si?/ n. 公元前
be [bi?] v. 是(原形),其人称和时态形式有(am, is, are, was, were, being, been);成为
beach [bi?t?] n. 海滨, 海滩
beam [bi?m] n. 平衡木
bean [bi?n] n. 豆, 豆科植物
beancurd [‘bi:nk?:d] n. 豆腐
bear [be?(r)] v. 承受, 负担, 承担;忍受;容忍 n. 熊
1)承受 (重量)
The ice is too thin to bear your weight.
2) 负担, 承担
bear the cost/ burden/responsibility
3)忍受;容忍 (常用于疑问句、否定句,与can, could 连用) bear to do/doing
bear…in mind 记住……
beard [b??d] n. (下巴上的)胡须
beast [bi?st]n. 野兽;牲畜
beat (beat, beaten) [bi?t] v. 敲打;跳动;打赢 n. (音乐)节拍
My heart is beating faster than usual.
Waves are beating the shore.
He beat me in the game.
beautiful [?bju?t?f(?)l] a. 美, 美丽, 美观的
beauty [?bju?t?] n. 美丽, 美人
because [b??k?z; (US) b??k??z] conj. 因为
become (became, be come) [b??k?m] v. 变得;成为
bed [bed] n. 床
bedclothes [?bedkl??ez] n. 铺盖(被褥等)
beddings [?bed??] n. 卧具, 铺盖
bedroom [?bedru?m] n. 寝室, 卧室
bee [bi?] n.. 蜜蜂
beef [bi?f] n. 牛肉
beehive [?bi?ha?v] n. 蜂箱
beer [b??(r)] n. 啤酒
before [b??f??(r)] prep. 在…以前;在…前面 ad. 以前 conj. 在…之前
prep. 在…之前,先于
conj. 在…以前;在…之前
adv. 以前;在前
It will be +段时间+before+ do/does…要过多久才…
It was +段时间+before+ did…没过多久就…
beg [beɡ] v. 请求, 乞求, 乞讨 
beg sb. to do 请求/乞求某人做某事
I beg your pardon. 对不起/请原谅/请再讲一遍(降调)
begin(began,begun) [b??ɡ?n] v.开始,着手
beginning [b??ɡ?n??] n. 开始, 开端
begin with=start with 以…开始
to begin with=to start with (插入语)首先、第一
I don’t like living here. To begin with, the room is far too small.
at the beginning of…
in the beginning= at first
behalf [b??hɑ?f] n. 代表某人, 为了某人
behave [b??he?v] v. 守规矩, 行为
He behaved as if nothing had happened.
behave badly/well/like a true gentleman
behave oneself 表现得体 , 有礼貌
well/badly behaved children
behaviour/ b?`he?vj?r / n. 行为, 举止
good/bad behaviour
be on your best behaviour 尽量表现得体
behind [b??ha?nd]prep. (表示位置)在…后面 ad. 在后面;向后
drop/fall behind 落后
leave sb./sth. behind 遗落、忘带
being [?bi???] n. 物;生物;人
Belgium [?beld??m] * n. 比利时
belief [b??li?f] n. 信条, 信念
I admire his belief in what he is doing.
2) 看法,信念 (不可数)
He acted in the belief that he was doing good.
There is a general belief that things will soon get better.
