tongue怎么读音发音 音标 tongue怎么读( 二 )

He said: ‘People always find a way of simplifying words that they find difficult to get their tongues round, so that an everyday word like ‘handbag’ sounds like ‘hambag’.
他说:“人们总是能够找到方法简化那些难以顺利发音的单词 , 这样,‘handbag’这种日常单词会听起来像‘hambag’ 。”
‘Our forebears simplified ‘waistcoat’ to ‘weskit’ – but we’ve turned our backs on that.
“我们的祖先把单词’waistcoat’(背心马甲)简化成了‘weskit’——不过后来我们又放弃了后一种说法 。”
‘We certainly don’t pronounce Worcester and Gloucester the way they are spelt any more. And ‘York’ used to have three syllables, not one.
“现在我们当然不会照着拼写直接发’Worcester’和’Gloucester’的音 。另外,‘York’以前也有三个音节 , 而非一个音节 。”
‘And most people talk about ‘Febry’ and ‘Wensday’.’
“还有一些人把‘二月’读成‘Febry’,把‘星期三’读成‘Wensday’ 。”

tongue怎么读音发音 音标 tongue怎么读

【tongue怎么读音发音 音标 tongue怎么读】
