jetour什么牌子 jetout( 二 )

英 /k?n'ven?(?)n(?)l/ 美 /k?n'v?n??nl/
adj. 符合习俗的 , 传统的;常见的;惯例的
Less attractive, cheat more
Researchers from Florida State University followed 233 newly married couples for three-and-a-half years and documented intimate details about their relationships, including marital satisfaction, long-term commitment, whether they had engaged in infidelityand if they were still together.
来自佛罗里达州立大学的研究人员在三年半的时间里跟踪调查了233对新婚夫妇,记录了他们婚姻感情的私密细节,包括婚姻满意度,长期承诺 , 是否有过不忠行为,以及是否仍然在一起 。
They discovered that women who considered themselves attractive were far more likely to be faithful. They also found that women who had been more promiscuousin the years before their marriage were less likely to cheat.In contrast, less-attractive females who had limited sexual experience were more likely to engage in extra-maritalentanglements.
他们发现 , 认为自己有魅力的女人保持忠贞的可能性要大得多 。他们还发现 , 结婚前比较放荡的女性在婚后出轨的可能性较小 。相比之下,婚前没什么性经历又没什么姿色的女性在婚后更容易卷入婚外情 。
Writing in the "Journal of Personality and Social Psychology" lead author Jim McNulty said: "Specifically, own attractiveness was negatively associated with infidelity among women, suggesting that less attractive women were more likely to engage in infidelity.
该研究的首席作者吉姆?麦克纳尔提在《人格与社会心理学杂志》上写道:"具体而言,女性自身的魅力值和不忠呈负相关,这意味着不漂亮的女性更可能不忠 。"
英 /?nf?'del?t?/ 美 /,?nf?'d?l?ti/
n. 无信仰,不信神;背信
英 /pr?'m?skj??s/ 美 /pr?'m?skju?s/
adj. 混杂的;杂乱的
adv. 偶然地;胡乱地
3、In contrast
英 /?n't??g(?)lm(?)nt; en-/ 美 /?n't??ɡlm?nt/
n. 纠缠;铁丝网;缠绕物;牵连
Moderate drinker lives more
Two of the habits that helped preserve lives the most? Drinking alcohol and coffee. Yes, you read that right - those who drank moderateamounts of alcohol or coffee every day were likely to live longer than those whoabstained.
饮酒和喝咖啡这两个习惯有助于延年益寿?是的,你没看错——那些每天适量饮酒或喝咖啡的人很可能比不碰这些的人活得更长 。
Those who consumed about two glasses daily of beer or wine were 18% more likely to live longer, while coffee drinkers were 10% more likely to outlivetheir peers. "Wine and coffee are packed with antioxidants which are known to protect our bodies from damage caused byfree radicals," said registered dietitian Keri Gans.
每天大概饮用两杯啤酒或红酒的人比同龄人更长寿的可能性提高了18%,而喝咖啡的人比同龄人更长寿的几率提高了10% 。注册营养师克丽?甘斯称:"红酒和咖啡富含抗氧化剂,该物质以保护我们的身体免受自由基的伤害而著称 。
"Research on antioxidants has shown several health benefits, including the possibility they may lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, improve cognitive function, decrease risk ofdementia, and lower the risk of heart disease."
有关抗氧化剂的研究显示,该物质对健康有诸多裨益,包括可能降低罹患二型糖尿病的风险、改善认知功能、降低罹患老年痴呆和心脏病的风险 。"
