适合怀孕时发圈的句子 适合孕妇发的说说

1. 即将进入人生下一个阶段,期待我们全新的家庭模式,一加一等于三 。
I am about to enter the next stage of my life and look forward to our new family model, one plus one equals three.
2. 你丰盈了我的身体,却柔软了我的内心,你的每一次跳动,每一次成长,都是我们最美好的经历 。
You enrich my body, but soft my heart, your every beat, every growth, are our best experience.
3. 我的铠甲和软肋,期待你的到来和陪伴 。
My armor and weakness, look forward to your arrival and company.

适合怀孕时发圈的句子 适合孕妇发的说说

4. 大姨妈从今天开始,离家出走九个月 。
Running away from home for nine months starting today.
【适合怀孕时发圈的句子 适合孕妇发的说说】5. 最近好忙,我忙着长胖,你忙着长大 。
I am so busy recently, I am busy getting fat, you are busy growing up.
6. 敌军还有两秒到达战场 。
The enemy has two seconds to reach the battlefield.
适合怀孕时发圈的句子 适合孕妇发的说说

7. 看你长大,满眼温柔 。
Then you grow up with gentle eyes.
8. 和宝宝的第一张合影一定要发光发亮 。
The first photo with the baby must shine.
9. 一位可盐可甜的孕妈,要不要夸赞我一下 。
A salty, sweet halo? Do you want to give me a compliment.
适合怀孕时发圈的句子 适合孕妇发的说说

10. 我们二人世界终于有了小三 。
The two of us finally have a mistress.
11. 一个身体,两个心跳,三个人,关于爱的故事,素未谋面,却爱你至深 。
One body, two heartbeats, three people on the story of love to send a package of noodles, but love you deeply.
12. 每次轻抚,都在守候 。
Every touch is waiting.
