Probing devices to guess BIOS drives. This may take a long time.
GNU GRUB version 0.97 (640K lower / 3072K upper memory)
[ Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. For the first word , TAB
lists possible command completions. Anywhere else TAB lists the possible
completions of a device/filename.]
grub》 root (hd0 , 0) //首先find /grub/stage1查看/boot分区为(hd0 , 0)
root (hd0 , 0)//设置/boot分区为/dev/sda1
Filesystem type is ext2fs , partition type 0x83
grub》 setup (hd0)//重新安装grub
setup (hd0)
Checking if “/boot/grub/stage1” exists. 。。no
Checking if “/grub/stage1” exists. 。。yes
Checking if “/grub/stage2” exists. 。。yes
Checking if “/grub/e2fs_stage1_5” exists. 。。yes
Running “embed /grub/e2fs_stage1_5 (hd0)” 。。。26 sectors are embedded.
Running “install /grub/stage1 (hd0) (hd0)1+26 p (hd0 , 0)/grub/stage2 /grub/grub.conf” 。。。succeeded
grub》 quit//退出
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