数词语法的用法总结 数词怎么用

数词语法的用法总结 数词怎么用

1、数词语法的基本框架(1)基数词: 12345678910onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnineten111213141516171819eleventwelvethirteenfourteenfifteensixteenseventeeneighteennineteen2030405060708090100twentythirtyfortyfiftysixtyseventyeightyninetyone(a) hundred2335101千百万十亿twenty-threethirty-fiveone hundred and onethousandmillionbillion(2)读数:108→one hundred and eight(3)基数词→序数词onetwothreefourfiveeightninetwelvetwentythirtytwenty-oneforty-six【答案】First second third fourth fifth eighth ninth twelfth twentieth thirtieth twenty-first forty-first(4)百、千、百万、十亿的用法1. hundredthousand millionbillion前有数字不加 1 。2. 用作名词时复数表示“成…上…”,后面必须要有 2 , 如:(五百) 3 ,(成百上千的) 4【答案】1. s 2. s of 3. five hundred 4.thousands of(5)分数“子基母序,子>1母加s 。如:1/5→ 1 ;2/3→ 2 ;4/7→ 3 ;1/2→ 4 ;1/4→ 5 ;3/4→ 6 .【答案】1. one fifth 2. two thirds 3. four sevenths4. a half 5. a quarter 6. three quarters(6)次数(一次) ,(两次) ,(三次)【答案】1.once, 2.twice, 3.three times(7)倍数1 (两倍),2 (三倍)as …as :表示. 3如:He is as 4 as his younger sister.(他和他妹妹一样兴奋)This room is 5 that one(这个房间跟那个房间的两倍大)【答案】1. twice 2. three times 3. 和.…一样4. as excited as 5. twice as big as(8)the 序数词与a 序数词的区别1. the 序数词 意思为“ 1 ”2. a 序数词 意思为“ 2 ”如:John failed the test twice.But he would like to have 3 try. (约翰考试失败了两次,他想再试一次)Hainan is 4 island in China.(海南是中国的第二大岛)【答案】1.第几 2. 再一次 3. a third 4. the second(8)、数词的用法:1、表示年份:2002: twenty thousand and two ;1976 : nineteen seventy-six.2、表示日期:12月1日: Dec.1st或the first of December;2002年11月8日: Nov. 8th, 2002.3、表示时刻:5:15→ five fifteen或a quarter past five ;8:30→ eight thirty或half past eight ;10:45→ ten forty-five或a quarter to eleven.4、表示编号:Room 105(105房间); P.5(第5页)5、年代的表达方式通常为“in the 数词的复 数” 。如:in the 1980s 在20世纪80年代6、“半”的表达:1/2→ 1 ,半小时→ 2 ,1.5小时→ 3 4 .7. 在我30多岁时 5【答案】1. a half 2. half an hour 3. one and a half hours 4. one hour and a half 5.In my thirties二、用所给数词的适当形式填空总结出以下规律:1.Our team won the ______ prize in the competition.(two)方法点拨 第1步:根据试题可知本题考查数词转换,且括号里给出的词是two;第2步:空格后给的名词为prize,且语境表示“我们队在比赛中获得第二名”,此处表示“第二”应用序数词 。故填second 。2.I visit my grandparents ______ a week.(one)方法点拨 第1步:根据试题可知本题考查数词转换,且括号里给出的词是one;第2步:空格后给的词组为a week,并联系语境可知此处表示一周一次 。故填once 。三、数词在句子中运用1.托尼的妈妈看上去年轻漂亮 。难以想像她已经五十几岁了Tony’s mum looks young and beautiful. It’s hard to she is already in her .2. 我住在403房间 。萨姆正好住在我的上面 。在五楼 。403房间在四楼,萨姆在上面,就是第五层楼I live in Room 403, Sam in the room right above mine, on the _____ floor.3. 鲍勃知道怎么砍工程的价格 。我确信他能用更少的钱更少的人做这项工作 。Bob knows how to cut the cost of the project. I’m sure he can do the work with _____ money and ______ people.4. 孩子们 。请翻到第五页,看第五幅图画Boys and girls, please turn to Page _____ and look at the _____ picture.【答案】1.imagine,fifties 2.lives,fifth 3.less,fewer 4.Five; fifth二、翻译句子1. 他在四十多岁时才出名 。2. 每年成千上万的树被种 。3. 你能再吃两块蛋糕吗?4.父亲节在六月的第三个周日 。5.我们学校学生总数是1000,其中三分之二是女孩子 。【答案】1. He became famous in his forties2. Thousands of trees are planted every years3. Would you like to have another two pieces of cakes4. Father’s Day is on the third Sunday of June5. The number of students in our school is 1000, and two thirds of them are girls四、数词在语篇中的运用Mr.Green is teacher in a middle school.In his
