shy的用法总结 shy什么意思

在今天的视频会议上,我们一起讨论了一个proposal (提议,提案),其中有这样一句话:

Although the immigrant population represents just shy of 6% of the region’s population, it is nonetheless…
翻译:尽管移民人口占该地区人口不足6%, 但它仍然是……
shy 是个形容词,常见意思是“胆怯的,腼腆的,怕生的”,大家对这些意思都比较熟悉 。
shy的用法总结 shy什么意思

然而,在上面这个句子中,shy 却有不同的含义 。我们一起看看shy的其它常用意思吧 。
slightly less than, slightly earlier than, or a short distance from something, short of
不用于名词前 [not before noun],常和of 搭配使用,(be) shy (of sth)
【shy的用法总结 shy什么意思】He died before Christmas, only a month shy of his 90th birthday.
他在圣诞节前去世了,仅差一个月就满90岁 。
She was one week shy of her twentieth birthday when she got married. 她结婚时离二十岁生日还有一个星期 。
We are still two players shy (of a full team). 我们还缺两名队员(凑成一支队) 。
…a high-school dropout [?dr?pa?t] (辍学者, 退学者) rate just shy of 55%. 几近55%的中学辍学率
That is a big improvement, and just shy of the record in 2018. 这是一大进步,只比2018年的创纪录差一点 。
躲避的,不喜欢…的英文释义:avoiding or not liking the thing mentioned
用法:常用来构成合成词 (compounds)
camera-shy = not liking to be photographed, unwilling or afraid to be photographed or filmed. 不爱照相的, 不愿或害怕被拍照
work-shy 躲避工作的,偷懒的
He’s always been work-shy. 他总是偷懒 。
shy的用法总结 shy什么意思

work-shy 的近义词
最后,和大家分享一个谚语 。
Once bitten, twice shy. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳
after an unpleasant experience, you are careful to avoid sth similar

shy的用法总结 shy什么意思

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