
用作动词,表示“买”,可带双宾语;若双宾易位,通常要用介词 for 。如:

我叔叔为我买了本英语词典 。
正:My uncle bought me an English dictionary.
正:My uncle bought an English dictionary for me.
表示向某人买某物,通常用介词 from 。如:
He bought this watch from a friend. 他从一位朋友那儿买了这块手表 。


表示用多少钱买某物,通常用介词 for 。如:
I bought the computer for $600. 我花600美元买了这台电脑 。
He bought it for very little money. 他买它只花了一点点钱 。
【注】有时也用介词 at, 侧重指价格 。如:
He bought them for [at] 10p each. 他以每个10 便士的价格买下了它们 。

是终止性动词,因此在肯定句中不宜与一段时间连用 。如:
这房子我已买了十年 。
正:I bought this house ten years ago.
正:I have had this house for ten years.
正:It’s ten years since I bought this house.
