

  • 1,翻译北京房价太贵我买不起用afford还是pay
  • 2,求 物价上涨房价上涨对人们的生活影响的英语短文
  • 3,昆明现在物价差不多是什么水平与一线城市相比低了多少
  • 4,最主要的原因之一是天气太差了英语
  • 5,为什么深圳物价高工价低
  • 6,谁能解释下物价水平上升为什么货币的交易性预防性需求减少
1,翻译北京房价太贵我买不起用afford还是paycan not afford吧?供不起(pay是支付物品或者薪水)同问 。。。

2,求 物价上涨房价上涨对人们的生活影响的英语短文Effect of Inflation1.For depositFrom the Fisher effect we kwon when expected inflation rises, interest rates will rise .as we know real interest rate equals the nominal interest rate minus the expected rate of inflation. So if inflation more than the nominal interest rate, savers dont willing deposit in bank.2.For interest rateWhen inflation rises, in order to call in more money and reduce liquidity central bank will rise interest rates, but this measure will increase enterprises burden and cut down the income, so usually central bank will improve reserve requirements.3.For bond(1)An increase in the expected rate of inflation will cause the demand for bonds to decline .An increase in expected inflation, will lead to higher capital gains for physical assets, The resulting rise in the expected returns today on these real assets will lead to a fall in the expected return on bonds relative to the expected return on real assets today and thus cause the demand for bonds to fall.(2)An increase in expected inflation causes the supply of bonds to increase. As all we known, For a given interest rate, when expected inflation increases, the real cost of borrowing will falls, hence the company want supply more quantity of bonds4. For stock marketsShort and low inflation is good for the stock, because the goods price increase will increase companys income. And more money will inflow in stock market, the price will increase, but serious inflation will lead to interest rate raise, and raise the interest rates is bad for the stock.4. For gold、silverGold as natural currency, its a good way for investor to resist inflation .An increase in inflation rate causes the demand of gold to increase. The price of gold should be positively related to the expected inflation rate. Because the gold market responds immediately to any changes in expected inflation, it is considered a good barometer of the trend of inflation in the future. We should kwon dollar and gold have a delicate relationship: if dollars price decrease the golds price will increase.这是通货膨胀对金融的影响

3,昆明现在物价差不多是什么水平与一线城市相比低了多少昆明的物价可不低额你好!除了房价其他都比一线贵仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷,谢谢 。【为什么物价高房价低呢英语,翻译北京房价太贵我买不起用afford还是pay】

4,最主要的原因之一是天气太差了英语One of the main reason is the bad weather !!because of the bad weatherThe main reason is the bad weather.The greatest reason is the poor weather.5,为什么深圳物价高工价低直接的原因就是深圳的房价已经太高,这拉升了生活成本 。另一个原因是深圳的吸引力很强,加上政府大力吸引人才,所以流入人口远大于流出人口,导致工作职位竞争激烈,工价自然就上不去 。不过,对于一些技术类部门,待遇还是蛮优厚的,因此,如果有意到深圳发展,还是结合自身情况,发展深圳需要的技能,这样,才会在激烈的职场竞争中游刃有余 。铺租贵,老板请人看铺工资也高,还要包吃包住,物价能不高吗?深圳的工资还算高吧,一般也要七八千,如果你在市中心物价一定比郊区高不少,毕竟铺租比郊区高不少,你可以去郊区找工资,物价一定不会很高深圳靠近香港,香港的物价高而两地的人员流动量大使深圳的物价也不低 。另外深圳的大部分商品都是从内地长途运进来,长途运费也推高了商品的价格 。再看看别人怎么说的 。6,谁能解释下物价水平上升为什么货币的交易性预防性需求减少货币的交易性,预防性需求,说的明白一点,就是持有货币现货,或是活期存款 。这种方式的好处是流动性强,可以随时变现或支付,但却牺牲了收益率 。在物价水平上升的情况下,持有货币现货或是活期存款,货币的贬值速度会增加,持有货币的机会成本大幅度上升了 。说的明白点,在物价水平上升的情况下,货币现货和活期存款越来越不值钱了 。那自然而然,在物价上涨的情况下,人们会想方设法提高收益率,抵御物价上升对货币价值的侵蚀,那投机性需求就自然会增加了 。托宾从资产选择理论出发,认为如果人们为追求利润的最大化,那么交易性货币需求也必然受到利率的影响,所以当利率由原来的均衡水平增加时,原有的组合将随之发生变动 。在其他条件不变的情况下,利率上升将使资产的边际收益大于边际成本,这导致债券的平均持有量的增加,这一过程直至边际成本增加到与边际收益相等寸为止,交易需求曲线就会向左移动至新均衡点 。
