
1,中国四川省成都市英文怎么说 中国四川省成都市Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, China.地址翻译——翻译原则:先小后大.中国四川省成都市chengdu city, sichuan province, china.地址翻译——翻译原则:先小后大 。中国人喜欢先说大的后说小的,如**区**路**号 。而英文地址翻译原则是先说小的后说大的 。


2,199的英语翻译在线等1 - one2 - two3 - three4 - four5 - five6 - six7 - seven8 - eight9 - nine10 - ten11 - eleven12 - twelve13 - thirteen14 - fourteen15 - fifteen16 - sixteen17 - seventeen18 - eighteen19 - nineteen20 - twenty21 - twenty-one22 - twenty-two23 - twenty-three24 - twenty-four25 - twenty-five26 - twenty-six27 - twenty-seven28 - twenty-eight29 - twenty-nine30 - thirty40 - forty50 - fifty60 - sixty70 - seventy80 - eighty90 - ninety......遵循以上规律 希望能够帮到楼主【成都英语翻译,中国四川省成都市英文怎么说】

3,成都IFS的英文全名是什么 成都IFS的英文全名:Chengdu International Finance Square,简称CDIFS 。成都国际金融中心项目位于大慈路以南,红星路以东,江南馆街以北,纱帽街以西,净用土地面积82亩 。为香港九龙仓投资的成都地标性建筑,2014年1月14日,成都国际金融中心商业整体开业,为成都带来更多高端的潮流品牌 。整个项目设计由4座塔楼及裙楼组成,包括超五星级酒店、高端写字楼、高档酒店式公寓及高品位住宅等,其中主楼双塔最高达248米 。扩展资料建筑规模:建成后,将成为成都最高档次、最具规模和影响力的地标性建筑物,将引进数百个成都最具代表性的商铺,其中包括世界上出名的国际名牌、港澳名牌,再加上其九龙仓本身之马哥孛罗酒店等,有望成为西部较具影响力的商贸中心 。项目动工:由香港九龙仓投资的成都国际金融中心2008年12月18日举行奠基典礼 。成都国际金融中心为九龙仓集团附属公司─龙锦综合开发(成都)有限公司开发的项目,占地面积约82亩,初步方案设计由四座塔楼及裙楼所组成,其中包括超五星级酒店、高端写字楼、高档酒店式公寓及高品位住宅 。参考资料:百度百科-成都国际金融中心搜一下:成都IFS的英文全名是什么?英文全名:Chengdu International Finance Square简称:CDIFS中文全名:成都国际金融中心简称:成都国金中心

4,跪求帮忙用英语翻译一下To my dear friend Jim foreign:Huanghe tower in wuhan in China, it is one of the sights in wuhan. Huanghe long ago in tang dynasty poet li bai wrote:"Who has ever HuangHe to spare, and here by the yellow crane tower; HuangHe again BaiYunQian, carrying empty" rhyme nor faint. "But now the yellow crane tower and not poet li bai said in China implements the yellow crane tower. The first five-year plan, in order to build Yangtze river bridge, the yellow crane tower was removed, and then moved to the present position overall. But the yellow crane tower still kept the original.Next time you come, wuhan, I will take you to visit the yellow crane tower.You,Friends,I think we can be happy, can still hear you say good-bye 5,懂英语的进来翻译下我的是汉译英Mobile phones as people in the twenty-first century has become an indispensable necessity, along with us through the 36 years. At present, the mobile phone market size-fits-all form, no new ideas, and a heavy color, giving a sense of suppressed, which give consumers a sense of visual fatigue. In a public place, people come up with a phone, the call, more or less the same, no different to reflect the personality and characteristics. With the improvement of living standards and the aesthetic changes, it is more concerned about quality of life, whether it is the function of mobile phones or mobile phones have been getting higher and higher design requirements. The appearance of modern mobile phone should have fashion, beauty, personality, etc.. I chose to do a traditional style phone with a single color to suppress cell phones, traditional phones to the existing innovation, improvement is a tendency to look more perfect. From the color match, shape, and several other aspects of the design of rational integrated. Through the design, will have learned the design theory and production practice. Keywords: personalized phone aesthetic innovationMobile phone is absolutely necessary in 21th century,with our life 36 years.Market sales mobile phone following the same pattern,and color very dark.你的摘要第一句就是病句,改好了在让人帮你翻吧
