
1 , amountof的谓语动词是单数还是复数 "amount of+不可数名词" , 作主语时谓语动词用单数;"amounts of+不可数名词" , 作主语时谓语动词用复数 。


2 , amount of是什么意思意思是大量的 , 与不可数名词连用 。They have to process a large amount of data. 他们要处理大量数据 。【amountof,amountof的谓语动词是单数还是复数】

3 , a amount of 和the amountanamountof和theamountof这两个短语的用法既有联系 , 又有区别 。anamountof和不可数名词连用 , 表示”一些“的含义 , 和some意思相同 。它所构成的短语中 , 中心词是名词 。Hehasalargeamountofworktodo.他有大量工作要做 。Thegirlhasonlyasmallamountofmoney.女孩只有很少一些钱 。theamountof既可以修饰可数名词 , 也可以修饰不可数名词 , 表示”某物的数量“ 。不过必须指出 , 定冠词the是指示词this和that的弱化 , 因此这个短语的侧重点是amount本身 , 即着重强调数量 。Theamountofthepeoplepresentreaches300.道场的人达到了300个 。

4 , an amount of与amount of 的用法与区别 an amount of +不可数名词--------是对的--------大量 , 许多amount of 是错的 , 应该变成 amounts of 或者an amount of +不可数名词5 , a amount of 和the amount of的用法及区别00:00 / 00:5970% 快捷键说明 空格: 播放 / 暂停Esc: 退出全屏 ↑: 音量提高10% ↓: 音量降低10% →: 单次快进5秒 ←: 单次快退5秒按住此处可拖拽 不再出现 可在播放器设置中重新打开小窗播放快捷键说明6 , anamountof与amountof的用法与区别估计你是问 an amount of 和 amounts of 的区别吧?!an amount of + [不可数名词],谓语动词用单数There is an amount of rain here every year.这儿一年有很充沛的雨水 。amounts of +不可数名词, 谓语动词用复数Large amounts of houses are damaged in the storm.暴风雨中大量房屋被毁.7 , an amount of和amounts of 后面加什么名词啊an amount of通常与不可数、无生命的名词连用 , 后谓语动词用单数amounts of修饰不可数名词 , 谓语是复数an amount of加不可数amounts of 加可数an amount of 修饰不可数、无生命的名词amounts of可修饰可数名词复数 。an amount of+不可数名词amounts of+可数名词复数8 , amount of是什么意思 翻译为“量”表示很多 , 大量的意思意思是大量的 , 与不可数名词连用 。They have to process a large amount of data. 他们要处理大量数据 。the amount of量的双语对照词典结果:the amount of[英][e? ??maunt ?v][美][ei ??ma?nt ?v]…数量; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.that thought process alone will reduce the amount of emails. " “单那么想一想就能减少电邮的数量 。”9 , amount的用法an of 与lots a lot of 的区别1. an amount of后只能接 不可数名词 ,  意为“充足的 ,  大量的”There is an amount ofrain here every year.这儿一年又很充沛的雨水 。2. lots of=a lot of这两者完全相等 ,  后边即可接可数名词复数形式 ,  也可接不可数名词 。意为“很多 ,  许多”Ihave a lot of books. =I have lots of books.There is a lot of milk in the cup.=There islots of milk in the amount of只能接不可数名词而lots of /a lot of既可接可数名词复数又可接不可数名词单数amount:名词 , 总数、数量 , 表示不可数名词 。可以用作 a large amount of 。much:可做名词、形容词、副词、代词 , 表示很多、大量、非常等意思 。用作形容词时修饰不可数名词 。用作名词和代词时表示不可数名词 。many:形容词“许多的” , 修饰可数名词;代词“许多、许多人”表示可数名词 。a lot of、lots of:许多、大量 , 既可以修饰可数名词也可修饰不可数名词 。several:形容词“几个” , 修饰可数名词 。代词“几个、数个”表示可数名词 。10 , great number of和a many of的区别a great many 跟a great number of可以通用主要跟你说下a great many 跟a great many of 的区别a great many后面直接加复数可数名词a great many of 后面跟限定语再跟名词例如:a great many studentsa great many of "my" classmates"a great number of和a great many of的区别" 跟"a great many 跟a great many of 的区别"接近就是说a great number of后面直接加复数可数名词a great many of 后面跟限定语再跟名词a great number of和a great many of 意思不同 , 用法也不同 。1、a great number of +可数名词复数= a great many +名词复数 , 意思“许多 , 大量……”2、a great many of +限定词(如 the/my/ his / .../ these/ those/..等) +名词复数 , 意思是“……中的许多”如:1. There are a great number of books in the library .= There are a great many books in the library .图书馆里有许多书 。2. A great many of the books are on Chinese history .这些书中的许多书是关于中国历史的 。拓展(英语中表示“许多”的词):1.many /a number of +可数名词复数2. lots of / a lot of / plenty of +可数名词复数/ 不可数名词3. much / a great deal of / a amount of +不可数名词a great many 跟a great number of可以通用主要跟你说下a great many 跟a great many of 的区别a great many后面直接加复数可数名词a great many of 后面跟限定语再跟名词例如:a great many studentsa great many of "my" classmates"a great number of和a great many of的区别" 跟"a great many 跟a great many of 的区别"接近就是说a great number of后面直接加复数可数名词a great many of 后面跟限定语再跟名词a great many 跟a great number of可以通用主要跟你说下a great many 跟a great many of 的区别a great many后面直接加复数可数名词a great many of 后面跟限定语再跟名词例如:a great many studentsa great many of "my" classmates"a great number of和a great many of的区别" 跟"a great many 跟a great many of 的区别"接近就是说a great number of后面直接加复数可数名词a great many of 后面跟限定语再跟名词我的回答你还满意吗?望采纳 , 谢谢!
