gamestoday,How 用BE 什么 the weather today

1 , How 用BE 什么 the weather today用is因为天气是不可数名词 , 所以要用第三人称单数 。How is the weather today?望采纳~

gamestoday,How 用BE 什么 the weather today

2 , bridge is one of the most popular games today俄罗斯方块是当今最受欢迎的游戏之一你好!桥牌是现在最受欢迎的游戏之一 。仅代表个人观点 , 不喜勿喷 , 谢谢 。桥牌是现在最受欢迎的游戏之一 。bridge有桥梁的意思 , 还可以做桥牌 , 为不可数名词 。
gamestoday,How 用BE 什么 the weather today

3 , We have computer today是什么意思 今天我们上电脑课play computer games today.-----------------------------------为你解答 , 如有帮助请采纳 , 如对本题有疑问可追问 , good luck!我们今天有电脑了我们今天有电脑..........译:我们今天有电脑【gamestoday,How 用BE 什么 the weather today】
gamestoday,How 用BE 什么 the weather today

4 , 116天前是几月几号星期几2014年11月7日星期五据日期计算器得出的结果显示:第一时间:2014年11月7日第二时间:2015年3月3日相差天数:116天由程序自动计算 , 答案准确无误 。用Excel可以轻松计算 , 在任意单元格直接相减即可:输入=TEXT(TODAY()-116,"yyyy年m月d日 aaaa")结果为"2016年6月11日 星期六"或输入=TODAY()-116结果为"2016/6/11"自定义单元格格式为[ yyyy年m月d日 aaaa ]后结果显示为"2016年6月11日 星期六"5 , 英语作文volunteer today Being a volunteer is greatNow in China, there are many volunteers. They do lots of things to help people who need help. And the work they are doing is important.I want to be a volunteer as a teacher when I am older. Because I love children and I enjoy reading. I’ll ask them to work hard as much as possible. And I will teach my students read and write. I can put my love to good use by staying with students. But I know I have to work as hard as I can.You can help to make other people’s lives better by volunteering. It’s great. Being a volunteer today, don’t put it off.
