客厅|悠好木实景案例·全屋定制-重庆江与城( 二 )

沿用主卧的配色方案 , 另将书架单独活动摆放 , 有助于DIY摆放调整 , 灵活不局限 。
The color scheme of the master bedroom is followed and the bookshelves are placed separately which is helpful for DIY placement and adjustment flexible and not limited

采用客厅背景墙同款细纹图案 , 简洁设计稳重大气 。
Adopt the same fine grain pattern on the background wall of the living room with simple design and stable atmosphere

黑色木纹一字书架 , 极简台面个性十足
Black wood grain one line bookshelf minimalist table full of personality


悠好木全屋定制工厂 , 我们一直在路上!
