雅思口语常见题目 雅思的口语题目( 三 )

How you first met this person?/How you know this person?/How you know him/her?/How you know about this person?
如果各位烤鸭对人物类的机经很熟悉的话 , 就不难发现这是另外一道在该类话题中出现的高频题 。回答该题时 , 要让考官有一种是 “当事人”感觉 。所以我们要把当时第一次见到所描述对象的场景详细的讲述给考官 , 细节的描述不但可以增加故事的真实性 , 而且还能让考官感觉到我们对所描述对象的重视 。比如:
I first met him on the basketball court in a hot and sunny afternoon when I was sitting somewhere around the stand. He came up with me to check whether I would like to join his team. He then left me a deep impression by his firm look and tough temperament.
我第一遇到他是一个大晴天的下午 , 当时我正坐在篮球架子旁 。他过来问我想不想加入他们队来一起玩 。他有着坚定的面容和坚强气质 , 这都给我留下了深刻的印象 。
听完以上的描述 , 考官会变成注视着这一切发生的人 , 他没有忽略任何细节 。但如果我们把作答变成:I met him in my school and he gave me a very deep impression.那么考官会听了以后感觉会很模糊 , 或者感觉千篇一律 , 那么想得好成绩也就不可能了 。
新东方在线雅思教研组建议:关于场景 , 建议烤鸭们准备校园场景(针对同龄人类问题) , 邻家街道场景(针对老人和儿童类问题) , 和媒体场景(针对名人类问题)这三种场景的描述 , 以增加作答的细节性与真实性 。
How you feel about him/her?
对机经比较熟悉的烤鸭会知道这种问题出现在人物类话题卡的最后一问 , 也就是说 , 它是我们作答的重点和所占得分比很大的一道问题 , 所以毫无疑问我们要在这一题的回答中尽可能的多说一些话 。对这个人的感觉 , 我们可以从一个人的兴趣爱好、特长、才能、品行以及一切特征来进行细节的描述 。比如:
Writing creativity is his best quality. He doesn’t try to exert his will in the music creative arena-he leaves that to me-he just does what he does best: thinking and writing lyrics; that is his forte. Because of this advantage ,  he becomes the source to represent us and all the words he makes can act as inspiration to every listener.
And another interesting thing is that he is born a painter , and like painters historically do , he usually skips the class but to find himself somewhere around the shopping malls , sitting there for the whole afternoon to have a satisfying picture.
写作创造性是他最大的才能 。他不会发挥在音乐方面的创造力 , 而把它留给我去处理 。他经常做他最擅长做的:思考、写歌词 , 这是他的专长 。得利于此 , 他源源不断地给我们提供了思想,而且他所作的词也可以很好的影响每一个听众 。
他的另一个有趣的地方是他是个天生的画家 , 就像其他画家一样 , 他经常翘课去一些购物街一坐坐一下午来画一张自己满意的画 。
考官在听完这种描述后 , 即使不认识描述对象 , 也会对他艺术方面的才华称赞不已 。相比之下 , “I think he is a man who likes writing and he can write a lot of words. Moreover ,  he likes painting and he usually goes to shopping malls to paint.”这种描述会让考官觉得所描述对象的才华一般 , 没有什么突出的 , 这只让考官知道了所描述对象的两个爱好而已 。
