雅思口语常见题目 雅思的口语题目( 四 )

Describe a big company/organisation
• What it is
• How you knew about it
• What this company does
• How you feel about it

雅思口语常见题目 雅思的口语题目

之前part2小公司的话题已经搞得大家唉声叹气 , 叫苦连天 , 现在又出了个大公司 。但是其实大公司是不是更好讲一些呢?我们其实只要找一个比较好讲的公司或者与自己生活息息相关的公司来讲 , 比如可口可乐 , 只需稍微描述一下公司是干嘛的 , 你如何知道这个公司以及对于这个公司的看法 , 就是一篇完整的大公司的素材啦!
Well, I wanna talk about The New Oriental School, which is one of the biggest private educationalcompanies in China. I’ve been learning English there for 7 years, and my mom took me thereas she said that it is the best place to learn English in our city.Thiscompany provides extra lessons for almost every subject, you know, in China,every kid has totakeextra lessons, to make sure they do good in major exams.
New Oriental School is well-known for its English teaching quality. You know, for their employees, the company provides them chancesto travel abroad, as well as giving them opportunities to further their studies. For the students, the company would always holdvarious parties such as Xmas parties and Halloween parties.
Actually I attendedthe Halloween party they held last year, we all dressed up to the party and we also got a small present from them and it wasso fun! Although I’ve always wanted to become a teacher, traditional schools’teachers need to stay in school from 9-5, which if I was teaching in NewOriental School, my time is more flexible, and they have the best working condition in my city, therefore, I definitely wanna go there after I graduate.
Major exams 重要的考试
Teaching quality 教学质量
Further sb’s study 进修
Dress up 打扮
Working condition 工作条件/环境
大家如果想拿到更高的分数的话呢 , 请看这篇我们同样讲的是XDF 。
Well, I wanna talk about TheNew Oriental School, which is one of the biggest privateeducational companies in China. I’ve been learning English there for7 years, and my mom took me there as she said that it is the best place tolearn English in our city.NewOriental School enjoys a domestic reputation for itsEnglish teaching quality. I’ve beenadmiring their CEO Yu minhong since I was little. You know, His leadershipand creativity is agreat motivationforme. What’s more, I heard that theemployeebenefit in XDF is brilliant.
The company regularlyprovides chances for their employees totravel abroad, as well as giving them opportunities to further their studies. Onthe one hand, this could really help their employees to broadentheir views, on the other hand, this is a great wayto retain valuable talent for thecompany. Although I’ve always wanted to become a teacher, traditionalschools’ teachers need to stay in school from 9-5, which if I was teaching inNew Oriental School, my time is more flexible, and they have the best workingcondition in my city, therefore, I definitely wanna go there after Igraduate.
…enjoys a domestic reputation ...在国内享有盛誉 (如果是在全球享有盛誉可以说 …enjoys a world-widereputation)
Teachingquality 教学质量
Employeebenefit 员工福利
Furthersb’s studies 进修
Broadensb’s views 开拓某人的视野
Retainvaluable talent 留住有价值的人才
Workingcondition 工作环境/条件
考生对于自己了解的问题可以尽量阐述的详细一些 , 但不要啰嗦 , 否则会引起考官的反感 。
