优点用英语怎么说 几个优点用英语怎么说

优点用 英语 怎么说在生活中,我们每个人都有自己的优点,当然肯定也有自己的缺点 。很多时候在和别人相处中,往往会受到别人对你的评价,这种评价主要是对你性格的评价 。当然,这种评价也就是对你优点和缺点的认识 。接下来小编告诉你优点用英语怎么说 。
strong point
good points

优点用英语怎么说 几个优点用英语怎么说

Outstanding features
To debase the pureness or excellence of; corrupt
I grant a sledge-hammering sort of merit in him.
我承认他身上有种强有力的优点 。
Moral excellence and righteousness;goodness.
But speed is not always an advantage in an aeroplane.
但是,速度快不总是飞机的一个优点 。
The second advantage is that combined treatment enhances the biological waste treatment processes.
第二个优点是,联合处理促进了生物净化过程 。
n. 价值;长处,优点;功过
v. 值得,应受
优点用英语怎么说 几个优点用英语怎么说

The contention is without merit.
这一论点没有法律依据 。
merit reward, praise, punishment, etc
应获得奖励、 称赞、 处罚等
Her singing is totally without merit.
她的演唱一无是处 。
"The scheme is well known," said the inspector; "and the abb's plan has not even the merit of originality."
“这个办法并不新奇,巡查员说道,“神甫先生看来是不能享受发明权了 。”
Chinese education, for all its faults, has merits, while Western education, however progressive in ideology, is often regressive in practice
中国教育尽管有缺点,自有其长处,而西方教育在观念上虽进步,但在实践中往往是倒退的 。
No, Emmanuel, I am but a man, and your admiration is as unmerited as your words are sacrilegious."
不,艾曼纽,我只是一个人,你的赞扬不当,你的话是亵渎神明的 。”
He meant to win golden opinions by meritorious exertion, by ingenious learning, by amiable compliance
他想以富有成绩的努力,真心诚意的求学,使人喜爱的听话,博得黄金般的好评 。
n. 点;标点;要点;尖端;得分
v. 削尖;指向;加标点于;表明
That is not the point in question.
那不是要考虑的要点 。
orientation point
A score made on a try for a point or points after a touchdown.
Ballpoint needles permit ease in stitching knits. Machine wedge needles are necessary for leather, synthetic suede, etc.
圆头针可以轻松地缝制编织品 。缝纫机用楔形针缝制皮革、仿麂皮等 。
Rooms of this hotel are spacious and comfortably appointed. Not luxurious,but full of human touch.
本宾馆客房宽大,陈设舒适,虽不豪华,却充满了人情味 。
Use Pivot Point Center
If he modulated his inevitable resentment to the chastened attitude of the reformed sinner, he might win his point in the end
【优点用英语怎么说 几个优点用英语怎么说】只要克制一下自己难免会产生的愤恨情绪,采取罪人改邪归正,接受惩处的态度,他最终就有可能达到目的 。
