托福口语tpo答案解析 托福TPO答案

托福口语tpo答案解析 TPO托福模考软件是目前市面上最好用的托福备考资料了,托福考生一般都会拿TPO来进行托福考试的练习 。下面是小编为您整理的关于托福口语tpo48答案解析,希望对你有所帮助 。

托福口语tpo答案解析 托福TPO答案

Using the points and examples from the lecture, explain two ways that advertising can negatively affect the environment.
using the points and examples, explain two ways, advertising, negatively affect the environment
(1)Using the examples
(2)explain the two negative effects that advertising brings to the environment
(1)Advertising negatively affects the environment.
(2)It wastes natural resources like trees by advertising to consumers who do not have a need for the product or service. The woman in the lecture said she once got a booklet about how to renovate a kitchen. But she did not even own her place.
(3)Visible advertisements damage the natural beauty. Huge billboards along the side of the road make it hard for people to fully appreciate the beautiful scenery like mountains.
(1)In the listening material, the woman says advertising negatively affects the environment
(2)There are two negative effects. One is... for example,...
(3)The second negative effect that is talked in the listening material is....for example,
Briefly summarize the problem the speakers are discussing. Then state which solution you would recommend. Explain the reasons for your recommendation.
summarize the problem, state which solution you would recommend, explain the reasons.
(1)summarize the problem
(2)state which solution you would recommend
(3)explain the reasons for your recommendation
(1)The man got a problem with his report and he had to rewrite it to get a grade.
(2)The professor’s first option for the student is to turn in the revised report in one week, but he was planning on leaving tomorrow and there is a family reunion this weekend.
(4)The other option is to submit the paper next semester but he is not sure that he is able to find the materials in the library at home.
(1) stay in school and rewrite the report
1)He can use the materials at the school library.
2)He won’t need to think about the report all over the summer.
(2) turn in the report next semester
1) He won’t miss his family reunion
2) He can also search information online even if he can’t find materials at the library at home.
大家常说的托福口语真题有两种,一种是ETS给出的官方练习题TPO,还有一种是考生考完以后对于本次考试做出的考场真题回忆 。我们来详细说说这个两个 。
托福口语tpo答案解析 托福TPO答案

TPO是托福官方给出的综合练习题,里面包含托福口语部分 。TPO的托福口语部分是托福以往考过的口语真题,但是以后不会再用 。所以ETS给出的TPO练习题也就是托福口语的真题 。它的参考价值很高,考生可以通过做TPO口语真题了解托福口语考试的难度,感受考试的氛围,帮助考生更好地把握考试时间 。除了官方给出的TPO之外,网上也能搜到一些TPO模考软件,可以免费使用 。
真题回忆并不等同于真题 。考生通过考场回忆整理出来的考题回忆,内容不会很全面,而且每次考完试以后,网上通常会流传出许多版本不同的真题回忆 。那么真题回忆有什么价值呢?其实真题回忆只是供给考生参考,并不能拿来练习 。很多题目都是考生回忆出来考题的大意,或者一些关键信息 。考生通过看真题回忆可以了解考试的最新内容,也能看到考试的难易程度以及出题类型,对于备考有一定的参考价值 。
