托福口语万能模板 托福口语万能素材( 三 )

Firstly, the place must be very bright and full of light because in this kind of environment, I can read and relax in a good way. Also, the place should not be too noisy, but I can have some soft music. If the music is too loud, it will interrupt my reading. Only with some soft music, I can feel quite peaceful in my heart.
译文:人们通常会对各种各样的咖啡馆/餐馆神往 。对于我来说 , 我喜欢具有一下特点的咖啡馆/餐馆 。
首先 , 这个地方必须非常的明亮 , 到处都有光亮 , 因为在这样的环境下我才能很好地放松 。同时 , 这个地方最好不要太吵 , 但是我可以接受的是有一些轻音乐 。如果音乐声音太大 , 将会打扰我看书 。只有伴随着轻音乐我才可以感受到内心的平静 。
In my country, we have different kinds of transport means. But the most efficient one is absolutely subway. The first reason is convenience. For example, if your home is far from your work place or school, subway will save you a lot of time because taking buses or taxis always meets traffic jam. Moreover, subway is also famous for being a cheap transportation form. With subway, you don’t have to buy cars and take taxis. In this way, you can save a lot of money.
(11) 最喜欢的戏剧或文学作品
My favorite play is Shakespeare’s greatest Romeo and Juliet. It is a love tragedy. In this play, it reveals the greatest love between the heroes and makes me understand the real meaning of love. What’s more, I also learn from the drama that whatever I do, confidence is undoubtedly the most important thing. If you have confidence, you can conquer everything. At last, I am also impressed with the power of language of Shakespeare. I actually feel the beauty of English.
National Holiday celebration is one of the greatest political celebrations in my country. In this celebration, thousands of people will gather in the heart of our country- our capital. On this very day, the president of our country will appear in public and make an encouraging speech. The most advanced military equipment will also be shown on this day. Besides this, ordinary people will hold banquets to celebrate this occasion.
1. 时态
时态错误可以算语法错误中最低级而又最不易发现的两种了 。它的低级是因为时态是所有考生在笔头上都已掌握的很好;但一转到口头上 , 就很难保持了 。请看以下的例子:

托福口语万能模板 托福口语万能素材

Part I问题:Why did you choose to study thatsubject? 针对这个问题 , 可能你的口语老师会教你用"thereason why I…is that…"这个句型来回答 。但所有考生在第一次作答时 , 基本上都会忽略所提出问题的时态 , 而在作答时用一般现在时来回答:The reason why I choose to study this subject is that I aminterested in learning it at that time 。很显然 , 正确的回答应该把句中的choose变为chose , is变为was , am也要相应的变成was: 如:The reason why I chose to study this subject was that I wasinterested in learning it at that time.
2. there be句型与have/has混杂使用
这一问题的出现 , 要归罪于现在完成时的there be句型 , 如There has been a big change in myhometown.有许多考生在记住这个句子之后在想表示"有"这个谓语动词的时候都 , 往往会把there be与have/has同时出现在一句话中 , 而句子的含义并非想表达现在完成时 。如:There have many wildanimals in my country. 而正确的说法为There are many wild animals in my country.或My countryhas many wild animals.
