托福口语机经预测 托福口语机经汇总

为了帮助大家更好地冲刺托福考试,下面是小编为您整理的关于托福口语机经预测,希望通过这些题目的练习,能够让大家的备考更加明确,在接下来的考试中有更好的发挥 。

托福口语机经预测 托福口语机经汇总

Task 1
Describe one way to improve the system of education in your country. Use specific details and examples to support your opinion.
Sample answer:
It is hard to define a perfect solution to the improvement of education system since it’s such a complicated and multifaceted subject. But if I have to, I would like to say that diversifying the evaluation methods of the admission into the university will definitely help a lot. That means we should put more attention to students’ other performances rather than depend solely on their academic scores. For example, students’ performance as well as attendance of those so-called less important subjects such as art, PE and so forth should be taken into account when assessing their qualification. Only if we carry out this principle in school can students take those subjects seriously and could have a chance to get really stretched. How to improve the education system is a long-term problem confronting both parents and the government .It could turn out to be a bigger one if we give an inappropriate response to it.
Task 2
Between the following two places, where would you choose to live? 1. Big and new place but far from your workplace and/or university 2. small and old place but near your workplace and/or university.
Task 3
Reading: 有一个学生写信建议院校为心理学专业的学生 for psychology major students 办 create 一个杂志 a new magazine 。
好处 1. 为心理系学生办杂志,可以鼓励更多心理专业的学生在杂志上发表文章 paper 。
好处 2. 其他学生还可以从中学到如何写paper 。
Listening: 女生赞成此倡议 。
理由 1. 心理系的学生大多是要读研究生的 。by publishing paper on the magazine, students can prepare well for graduate school application 。
理由 2. 给心理系的新生 new students 做示范,教他们learn how to organize papers and how to use relevant resources.
Task 4
The student letter asks for more funding for the school’s nature club, so the club can organize more activities to get students close to the nature and learn from it. However, the girl in the conversation disagrees with this proposal. She says that many students don’t have the free time for such activities. For those who do have time and want to see the nature, they don’t really have to join a club; they can simply take a bus to get to the place they like. With a student pass you even don’t need to pay for the ride. Secondly, joining a nature club does not necessarily mean that you can learn from nature. You need some kind of guidance, like when you are learning any subject, so a nature club does not really help much if it only gets you close to nature.
Task 5
Problem:男孩子因打篮球 hurt his feet 需要去看 hospital clinic.
1.马上去医院看病 。坏处:He has to attend a review session this afternoon. If he goes to the hospital, he may have to wait for several hours.
2.今天先准备复习考试,明早再去医院 。理由:他说他自己还能站得起来 。坏处:对身体不好 。
Task 6
为什么 city 里要种那么多 trees,不光是为了 natural beauty,还因为
1. 树可以改善空气质量,吸收 CO2 。城市里的 industry 啊 cars 啊好多污染 。
2. 树可以让下雨的时候路上没有积水~树叶可以让 water doesn’t come to the streets
