托福口语机经预测 托福口语机经汇总( 二 )

right away,树根吸水之类的 。
建议类的话题也是托福口语考试中常见的话题之一,想要更好地回答这类题型,大家要对这类题型有更深入的了解 。

托福口语机经预测 托福口语机经汇总

这一类的话题,还是蛮多的,比如说第一道题If your friend is going for an interview, what suggestions would you give to him?或者第二题If your friend wants to change major from business to music major, what advice would you give to him?这些都是suggestion的题,它的特点是什么呢?当你在提供意见的时候,它的回答会非常地open-ended,你可以给一条建议、两条建议、三条建议,但是同学们容易在这种suggestion的题目当中,不断地去重复自己的意见,所以大家一定要准备扎实的语料,而不是重复同样的suggestion, 不要再围绕一个话题说的特别长 。
Your friend is always late for group events, what suggestions do you have for him?
I would have he following suggestions, first off, he should plan things ahead and do things as early as possible. For example, if you have an appointment with a friend, try to be 10 or 15 minutes early and use the time for a specific activity, such as writing notes to people, reading a novel, or catching up with friends on the phone. This strategy can help convert dreaded wait time into time that is productive and pleasurable, and this gives one an incentive to be on time.
When getting advice, some people prefer to go to their parents; others prefer to go to their friends. Which one do you prefer?
When I need advice I usually prefer to go to my parents, specifically, I go to my mom. Although my friends can sometimes offer good advice too, my mom would always know how to help me through a situation. She has a lot of life experience because she’s older and she’s already experienced a lot of the problems that I’m experiencing now. For example, she knows more about things such as finances or taxes, that I have no experience in. And, because she’s my mom, I can always trust that she has my best interests at heart, and basically I know that my mom will always try to give me the best advice possible, and that’s not always a guarantee if you’re talking to someone you just met.
托福口语考试复习中,大家首先要对口语的题型有全面的了解,对于题型的特点和答题的方法要熟练的掌握,这样才能够辅助大家在考试中更好地发挥 。
听懂态度: 通过倾听语调、强调和选词,尽力听懂讲话人的态度 。当您回答问题时,它将帮助您表述其中一个讲话人的观点 。
阅读文章: 为了帮助您准备回答阅读的问题,例如阅读一篇短文后提取包含文章要点的简要提纲 。然后使用该提纲归纳信息,准备口头问答 。
对话交谈: 经常练习您的会话演讲技巧。尽可能与母语使用者交谈,或者参加用英语进行讨论话题的俱乐部 。
使用课本练习: 基于学术内容练习回答问题,找一本每章结尾提出相关问题的课本 。然后练习口头回答这些问题 。
做笔记: 请注意:您可以在综合口语测试的阅读和听资料过程中做笔记 。练习做笔记将帮助您准备考试,同时也是国外留学 的一项重要技能!
1.一个主题句, 三点理由, 其中一点举例
3.题目分话题准备, 每类话题准备一个45秒回答(录音)
1.主题句表明倾向性, 两点理由充分陈述
2. 其中一点理由加上A/B的优缺点比较
3.结尾的Conclusion sentence 不强求
【托福口语机经预测 托福口语机经汇总】
