海龟英语怎么说 海龟用英语怎么说呢( 二 )

They survived the last ice age;
让我想起了我养过的海龟 。
Kind of reminds me of a turtle I once had.
就像蝎子和海龟那个故事 。
We're like that story the scorpion and the turtle.
非常大的食肉性海龟;广泛分布在温暖开阔的海域 。
Very large carnivorous sea turtle; wide ranging in warm open seas.
现在在海洋世界里负责照料它们的人们确定这两只海龟已经可以回归大海了 。
Folks at SeaWorld care for the animals have decided they were ready to return them to the sea.
或者有海龟已走失了 。
Maybe somebody lost a turtle.
李开复或许是所有海龟中知名的一位 。
Lee was perhaps the most famous of all sea turtles.
海龟死在它们出生的海滩上 。
Sea turtles die on the same exact beach where they were born.
所以海龟是稀有动物 。
So sea turtles are rare animals.
Gray sea turtle of the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of North America.
北美洲大西洋和海湾沿岸的灰色海龟 。
Very large carnivorous sea turtle; wide ranging in warm open seas.
非常大的食肉性海龟;广泛分布在温暖开阔的海域 。
Olive-colored sea turtle of tropical Pacific and Indian and South Atlantic oceans.
分布在热带太平洋、印度洋和南大西洋的橄榄色的海龟 。
The sea turtle is the largest reptile in the aquarium.
海龟是现今海洋世界中躯体爬行动物 。
Pugnacious tropical sea turtle with a hawk-like beak; source of food and the best tortoiseshell.
长有鹰钩嘴、好斗的热带海龟;可作为食物的原料 , 是比较好的龟甲 。
Well-known commodities pearls, rhinoceros horn, sea turtle, ivory and so on.
知名的商品有珍珠、犀角、玳瑁、象牙等 。
Han Jia, I've seen a big sea turtle.
韩佳 , 我看到大海龟啦 。
One day four coolies came with a huge sea turtle for sale.
一天 , 四个苦力抬来一只巨大的海龟出售 。
The female sea turtle digs a hole in sand with her back feet.
雌性海龟在沙滩上用它们的后腿挖洞 。
Tour the famous Georgia Sea Turtle Center.
游览知名的佐治亚州海龟中心 。
A Hawaiian green sea turtle swims in just a few feet of water.
一只夏威夷绿海龟在仅有几英尺深的水里游泳 。
What better mark of a successful sea turtle?
Hu Ping thinks that the sea turtle is a quite friendly animal.
在胡萍的眼里 , 海龟是一种相当友善的动物 。
This loggerhead sea turtle was released into the wild after recovering from an injury.
这只受伤的赤蠵龟康复后 , 已被放生 。照片:美联社 。
An estimated 70,000 sea turtle eggs are being evacuated from the oil-threatened beaches bordering the Gulf of Mexico to the Atlantic coast of Florida, beginning in July 2010.
从今年7月开始 , 约有7万枚海龟蛋经过撤离 , 从饱受油污威胁的墨西哥湾海滩运至佛罗里达州大西洋沿岸 。
Biologists used to think turtles belonged to the"silent majority" of reptiles, meaning if turtles made sounds—no one was listening. One reptile guide from the 1950s went so far as to call them, quote, "deaf as a post."
生物学家曾经认为海龟像大多数的爬行动物一样不会发声——这意味着 , 如果你说海龟会发声的话 , 是没有人会相信的 。20世界50年代的一本爬行动物指南书上至始至终称海龟为“全聋”生物 。
But it turns out scientists just weren't listening hard enough. Because in recent years, biologists have identified at least 11 different sounds in the turtle repertoire <> recorded both in and out of the water. But what do they mean?
