海龟英语怎么说 海龟用英语怎么说呢

很多网友想了解海龟英语怎么说的相关知识 , 为了大家进一步的对海龟用英语怎么说呢所有了解 , 就跟小编一起来看看吧!
海龟 英语 怎么说:海龟 , 广布于大西洋、太平洋和印度洋 。适应在水中生活 , 四肢变成鳍状 , 利于游泳 。一般仅在繁殖季节离水上岸 。那你知道海龟英语怎么说吗?下面北京美联小编告诉你海龟英语怎么说 , 大家一起来看看吧! sea turtle

海龟英语怎么说 海龟用英语怎么说呢

这次原油泄漏可能会使波斯湾的海龟灭绝 。
The spill could wipe out the Gulf's turtle population
显然 , 养海龟作宠物十分残忍 。
It is plainly cruel to keep turtles as pets.
这些海龟有多大了?-我不知道 。
How old are sea turtles?-I don't know.
第一次我杀了一只野兽 , 第二回我捕获了一只大海龟 。
The first time I killed a wild animal, and the second time I caught a big turtle.
海龟和所有爬行动物一样 , 是冷血动物 。
The turtle, like all reptiles, is cold-blooded.
你这个坏海龟 。我要吃了你 。
You are a bad tortoise. I'll eat you.
想想其他的濒危动物 , 像老虎、鲸鱼、海龟和大象 。
Think of other animals in danger such as tigers, whales, turtles and elephants.
海龟能生活在海中 , 它们也能生活在陆上的淡水中 。
Turtles can live in the sea and they can also live in fresh water on the land.
虽然他曾经在捕龟船上工作了许多年 , 他对海龟却没有任何迷思 。
He had no mysticism about turtles although he had gone in turtle boats for many years.
我本来有个海龟的 , 但是让***妈拿走了 。
I had a turtle, but your mother took it.
这是海龟类中大体形的 。
This is the largest of all the marine turtles.
北美洲大西洋和海湾沿岸的灰色海龟 。
Gray sea turtle of the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of North America.
某些有机体像节肢动物和海龟的坚硬的外壳 。
Hard outer covering or case of certain organisms such as arthropods and turtles.
海龟 , 和色彩鲜艳的礁石鱼马上就可以看得见 。
Sea turtles and brightly colored reef fish immediately became visible.
海龟、海豹和鸟类会不小心地吃到这些东西 , 而且这并不仅仅发生在太平洋上 。
Turtles, seals and birds inadvertently eat the stuff, and not just in the Pacific.
在拐弯处海龟遇见了火鸡 , 在萝卜上翻了个身 。
At the turning the turtle met a turkey and made a turnover on the turnips.
我好喜欢 , 淡蓝的天空 , 辽阔的大海 , 软软的沙滩 , 还有小贝壳和海龟 。
I Like blue sky, the sea, land, soft sand and small seashells and turtles.
鲸鱼、海豹和海龟的搁浅事件时常引起我们的注意 。
Strandings of whales, seals and turtles get occasional attention.
海龟是现今海洋世界中躯体爬行动物 。
The sea turtle is the largest reptile in the aquarium.
已经灭绝或者濒临灭绝海洋物种中 , 很多都对陆地有所依赖&例如在悬崖上筑巢的海鸟 , 或在海滩上产卵的海龟 。
Many marine species that have become extinct or are endangered depend on land& seabirds that nest on cliffs, for example, or sea turtles that lay eggs on beaches.
棱皮龟是世界上大型的海龟 。
Leatherbacks are the world's largest turtles.
