饱了英语怎么说 我已经吃饱了英语怎么说

饱了 英语 怎么说:饱了,这个词在英语交流中经常会说到,指吃足;无饥饿感,跟饿了相反 。那你知道饱了英语怎么说吗?下面广州韦博小编告诉你饱了英语怎么说,大家一起来看看吧!

饱了英语怎么说 我已经吃饱了英语怎么说

我不能再吃了,我已经很饱了 。
I can't eat any more; I'm full up.
饿了就吃,饱了就停,这样很健康 。
It's healthy to eat when I'm hungry and to stop when I'm full.
我真的吃得非常饱了,不过要是你硬要我再吃,也许我还可以吃一点 。
I've really had quite enough to eat, but perhaps if you twist my arm I could have just a little bit more.
我真的一点也不能吃了我饱了 。
I really cannot eat a bit more. I am full.
我饱了,我对什么都没有食欲了 。
I am full now. I have no stomach for anything.
够了,谢谢,我真饱了 。
No more, thank you, I'm really full.
我不想再吃布丁了,谢谢,我已经饱了 。
I don't want any more pudding, thank you, I'm full.
他们用蛋糕和三明治把我填饱了 。
They filled me up with cakes and sandwiches.
不是我不喜欢这些食物,而是我饱了 。
It is not that I disliked the food but that I was full.
朱莉娅:我同意,我太饱了 。
Julia: I agree. I am so full.
我吃了这么多,我想我吃得过饱了 。
I ate so much I thought I'd burst at the seams.
他捉了很多鱼,填饱了肚子 。
He caught many fish to fill up his belly.
吃完那顿饭之后我饱了 。
I'm full up after that meal.
不了,谢谢 。我吃得太饱了 。
No, thank you. I'm too full.
我已经吃得很饱了,谢谢 。我不再要什么了 。
I've had enough, thank you. I do not need anymore.
不,他们不能 。他们太饱了 。
【饱了英语怎么说 我已经吃饱了英语怎么说】 No, they couldn 't.They were too full.
谢谢,我已经吃得够饱了 。
Thank you, I've had more than enough.
喝水还能帮助你觉得饱了 。
Drinking also helps you feel full.
我想是因为我把它们喂得太饱了,然后在上星期死去了 。
I think I fed them too much and he died last week.
我已经吃饱拉 。我真的饱了 。
I've had enough. I'm totally full.
Are you full now?
这有可乐,我喜欢喝 。现在我饱了 。
Here is coke. I like it. I'm full.
装饱了的胃;我感觉饱了 。
A full stomach; I feel stuffed.
不,谢了,苏珊,我饱了,我想我有点太贪吃了 。
No thanks, susan, I'm full. I think my eyes are bigger than my stomach.
"No more, thank you. I am quite full."
约翰请我吃了一顿丰盛的晚餐,我现在己饱了 。
John treated me a big dinner and I am full now.
实在饱了,吃不下了 。
I'm positively full. I have no more room.
可是妈,我吃不下了,我饱了 。
B: But, Mom, I can't eat anymore. I'm stuffed.
今天晚上多吃了 。饱了 。
I have eaten so much tonight. I am enough.
我太饱了,一口也不能再吃了 。
I'm so full I couldn't eat another mouthful.
