海报英语怎么说 制作海报英语怎么说( 二 )

Oh! The boys have poster board and paint.
噢!男孩们有了招贴板和绘画工具 。
But the poster tiger have same trips and posture with the photo tiger, what had happened?
可是 , 墙画虎与照片虎具有同样的虎纹和姿势 , 到底发生了什么呢?
Also to the question poster, this is not a real question.
还问到海报 , 这不是一个现实问题 。
This is a motivational poster?
Daniel Radcliffe ( Harry Potter) has featured on this poster alongside William Shakespeare and Winston Churchill.
丹尼尔(哈利波特)也出现在海报上 , 竟与威廉·莎士比亚和温斯顿·邱吉尔比肩 。
竞选中使用了各种宣传材料&录像、海报及传单 。
All sorts of publicity materials are being used in the campaign& videos, posters and leaflets.
我有个关于海报的想法 。
I have an idea for our poster.
我的墙上都贴着你的海报呢 。
I have your poster on my wall.
我们把海报张贴在黑板上 。
We put up a poster on the blackboard.
海报用图表的形式显示了企业和行业的兴衰 。
It shows graphically the rise and fall of companies and industries.
为此 , 电影海报还做了解释 , 说他们没有使用黑白照片 。
The poster even makes an explanation that this is NOT a black-and-white picture.
Being able to design and make a poster;
另外还分发了实况报道、宣传手册和海报 。
Fact sheets, brochures and posters are also being distributed.
那面墙壁上贴了海报 。
The wall was posted with placards.
研究者可以在口头和海报论文中介绍他们的工作 。
Researchers can present their work in oral and poster sessions.
我有我的照片举行巴拿巴柯林斯海报时 , 我是五 , 六 。
I have photographs of me holding Barnabas Collins posters when I was five or six.
校内张贴了支持和谴责内贾德的海报 。
The campus was plastered with posters both supporting and condemning Mr ahmadinejad's appearance.
还问到海报 , 这不是一个现实问题 。
Also to the question poster, this is not a real question.
接待室贴满了海报和广告 。
The ante-room was full of posters and advertisements.
You can use some powerful graphic program for poster printing, if you have special knowledge and skills.
你可以为打印海报而使用一些强大的图形软件 , 如果你拥有特殊的技术和技能的话 。
I have your poster on my wall.
我的墙上都贴着你的海报呢 。
Therefore, statuary had turn into a three-dimensional political picture poster.
由此 , 雕塑成为了一种立体的政治“宣传画” 。
My little bro made this poster when I flew home.
当我飞回美国时我的弟弟为我做了这张海报 。
Information is communicated and disseminated through symposia, lectures, scientific exhibitions, poster and platform presentations.
通过座谈会、演讲、科学展览、海报和展示平台沟通和传播这些信息 。
Researchers can present their work in oral and poster sessions.
研究者可以在口头和海报论文中介绍他们的工作 。
Could you display this poster in your window?
We put up a poster on the blackboard.
我们把海报张贴在黑板上 。
Dave noticed that the poster was covered with little stars.
戴夫注意到海报上布满了小星星 。
A glimpse at the toys, video game and3D poster connected to the film also will be unveiled Friday.
