在现场英语怎么说 我在现场英语怎么说( 二 )

The laboratory automation techniques have their greatest use in the clinical laboratory.
在现场级别对数据进行加密 。
Encrypt data at the field level.
我问了我的儿子,他就在现场,大卫,站起来 。
I asked my son who is here. David, stand up.
What else did you collect from the scene?
准直必须能够在现场进行校核 。新浪网对此进行了全程的视频直播 。
Collimation must be capable of being checked in the field. Sina brings on complete live video report.
我在现场找到了金黄的仙人掌酒 。
I found cactus gold at the scene.
因此在现场测量和实现长期连续监测方面受到了限制 。
The system realizes in-situ, long-time continuous monitoring to regular chemical items that must be monitored.
