在现场英语怎么说 我在现场英语怎么说

在现场 英语 怎么说:我在现场,永远年轻,永远热泪盈眶 。在现场,这个词在英语交流中经常会说到 。那你知道在现场英语怎么说吗?下面深圳韦博小编告诉你在现场英语怎么说,大家一起来看看吧!
on site;on the spot

在现场英语怎么说 我在现场英语怎么说

少数几个旁观者站在现场观看 。
A handful of onlookers stand in the field watching.
Do you watch it live at all or do you watch it on the box?
污染控制小组就在现场,现在随时准备开始吸油 。
The pollution-control team is at the scene and is due to start sucking up oil any time now
克丽莎到处寻找帕特拉,后发现她在现场的一个角落里忙活着 。
Chryssa hunted for Patra, and found her busy at a corner of the site.
建筑工在现场干活时,让他额外做工的话工钱会便宜一些 。
It is cheaper to have extra building work done when the builder is on site.
名哥伦比亚广播公司的摄影采访人员在现场拍摄并编辑录像报道 。
Three CBS cameramen were on site to shoot and edit taped reports.
他一口咬定当时不在现场 。
He stated categorically that he was not at the scene of the crime.
我们在现场发现了他的指纹和皮夹 。
【在现场英语怎么说 我在现场英语怎么说】 We found his fingerprints and his wallet at the scene.
我看见它了就好像我在现场 。
I saw it happen as if I were there.
事故发生的时候,我在现场,目击了发生了每件事情 。
I was on the spot when the accident happened and saw everything that took place.
Research and Implementation of Projectile's Real-time Rotation in Augmented Reality System
What would you do, if you were there at that time?
我们再说一遍你在现场发现了什么 。
Let's go over again what you found at the scene.
每周末我们都在现场乐队的伴奏下跳支舞 。
We have a dance with a live band every weekend.
You were there, and you saw what?
如果在现场你看到或听到了一些值得一提的事情,就把它加到你的演讲中去 。
If you have seen or heard something that is memorable, work it into your presentation.
医疗人员在现场对他进行了紧急治疗,但是随后宣告死亡 。
Medical staff gave him emergency treatment at the scene, but he was later pronounced dead.
告诉你的当事人,我可以证明他当时就在现场 。
Tell your client that I can place him at the scene.
他在现场布置了血液证据 。
He planted blood evidence at the crime scenes.
修正了一个当机,将结束时发生的大素B2相机,如果是在现场 。
Fixed a crash that would occur when closing Max if a b2 camera was in the scene.
有来自中国和香港,以及日本和韩国的采访人员在现场作了报道 。
Reporters from China and Hong Kong as well as Korea and Japan were present to cover him.
This system-on-chip of flywheel controller was implemented on an FPGA platform.
但是你的指纹出现在现场了 。
Well, your fingerprints were at the scene.
实验室自动化技术在现场实验室中得到广泛的应用 。
