搭档用英语怎么说 伙伴搭档用英语怎么说

很多网友想了解搭档用英语怎么说的相关知识 , 为了大家进一步的对伙伴搭档用英语怎么说所有了解 , 就跟小编一起来看看吧!
搭档用 英语 怎么说 【搭档用英语怎么说 伙伴搭档用英语怎么说】搭档的英语可以说成cooperate; work together(搭对; 协作; 合伙)  , 也可以说成 partner; workmate(协作人) , 常见的例句有:Li ying paired off with liu hua in a tennis doubles match .李英在网球双打中与刘华搭档 。

搭档用英语怎么说 伙伴搭档用英语怎么说

1.(搭对; 协作; 合伙) cooperate; work together
2.(协作人) partner; workmate
I happen to have an honest partner .
我碰巧有一个忠实的好搭档 。
Li ying paired off with liu hua in a tennis doubles match .
李英在网球双打中与刘华搭档 。
His sympathy guarded for goldstein had been ridge's partner .
他觉得戈尔斯坦是里奇的搭档 , 同情也得有个分寸 。
He pinned you good , partner . on three . one , two
他戳的还真行啊 , 搭档 , 我数三声
- your boy fowler ? - look , fowler ' s my problem
-你的搭档福勒? -福勒是我的问题!
You don ' t seem too upset about your partner
Ray , i want you to meet my new partner , jerry
雷 , 我想让你见见我的新搭档 , 杰里
Your boy fowler ? - look , fowler ' s my problem
你的搭档福勒? -福勒是我的问题!
I stand here with my partner , tim dingman
我和我的搭档 , 蒂姆丁曼一起站在这里
搭档的英语表达 搭档的英文
He is my bridge partner.
他是我的桥牌搭档 。
A BBC comedian asked his straight man to read the day's news.
一位BBC之声的喜剧演员请他的捧哏搭档读今天的新闻 。
John is my pair.
约翰是我的搭档 。
A rather tweedy golf partner
He partnered Peter at bridge.
他与彼得搭档打桥牌 。
Let's draw for partner?
我们抽牌来决定搭档吧 。
Yang Yi and his wife are performing partner.
杨屹和他的妻子是表演搭档 。
I' ve been paired with Bob in the next round of the competition.
下一轮比赛我和鲍勃搭档 。
He was laughing, the clown of the twosome.
他在笑 , 二人搭档中逗人乐的那个 。
With his partner away, all the work now fell to him.
他的搭档走后 , 工作都落在他身上 。
搭档用英语怎么说 伙伴搭档用英语怎么说

my captain mr underground
tag team
I happen to have an honest partner .
我碰巧有一个忠实的好搭档 。
And she ' s my nice co - host , the happy han jia
这位是我的好搭档 , 快乐的韩佳 。
We ' d make a good team . - we sure would
Detective ahn , go on patrol duty with your wonderful partner
安捕快 , 和你这个好搭档巡逻去吧!
In my side , i possess a good partner - ai sharp robot
在我的身边 , 我拥有一个好搭档- -艾利机器人 。
I wish i were a better partner
但愿我能成为一个好搭档 。
We could ' ve made a great team
老搭档英语怎么说 old workmate
How ' s my old partner ? - harrison james
-老搭档近来还好吧? -哈利森詹姆斯
Devlln : wallace has been my partner for years
