关于的英语怎么说 关于的英语咋说

关于的 英语 怎么说每天坚持复习的好习惯,学过的东西不能丢了,要每天都复习,把练习过的句子拿出来做口译 。以下是小编为您整理的关于的英语怎么说的相关内容 。
pertaining to concerning regarding with regards to about
有关 relating to
关于他的事我早就听说过了 。
I heard about his affairs long ago.
关于这一点你可以放心 。
You can relax on that score.
关于...的 about
book on beekeeping
knowledge about philosophy
report on the international situation

关于的英语怎么说 关于的英语咋说

question about the international labour movement
What about replies to supplies?
关于这件事一句话也别说 。
Don't say a word about it.
关于他的下落,我一无所知 。
I know nothing about his whereabouts.
关于这个问题不可臆测 。
The problem is not to be conjectures.
关于石油的成因有两大学派 。
There are two schools of thought about oil.
关于狄更斯我一无所知 。
I don't know anything about Dickens.
萨利风闻关于她的谣言 。
Sally hears rumors about her.
我听到过许多关于你的美谈 。
I've heard a lot about you.
(about) how is your work?
关于他的背景所知不多 。
Little is known about his background.
第二纵列是关于裂纹的描述 。
The second column is about the description of cracks.
关于这件事,它只会带来坏处 。
It will only bring harm to this matter.
关于这一点还没有确切的证据 。
There is no definite evidence for this.
我正在写关于您工作申请一事 。
I am writing about your application for work.
关于她的荒唐谣言正到处传播 。
Rumors about her are spreading everywhere.
关于的英语怎么说 关于的英语咋说

他询问我关于我们工作的情况 。
He asked me about our work.
关于这件事,该说的我都说了 。
I have said everything about it.
关于这一点,我们要完全弄清 。
We need to fully understand this point.
该书关于这一问题写得太简略 。
The book is too sketchy on this issue.
另一份奏章是关于教会改革的 。
Another memorial is about church reform.
他关于新小说的观点是错误的 。
His views on new novels are wrong.
显示关于从Netscape 切换到Internet Explorer 的信息 。
Displays information about switching from Netscape to Internet Explorer.
有几个关于钱的格言 。
There are a few quotes about money.
地方志中有关于这次旱灾的记载 。
There is a record of this drought in the local chronicles.
Tell me some proverbs about birds, OK?
关于这一点伯里先生还规劝过他 。
On this point, Mr. bury also advised him.
奥克,关于你的秘密我略有耳闻 。
【关于的英语怎么说 关于的英语咋说】Oak, I have heard a little about your secret.
