迟到用 英语 怎样说要想学好英语,就得有股子韧劲儿 。学过的生词和句子一定要记住,真正掌握它,千万别把希望只放在考前的突击记忆上 。以下是小编为您整理的迟到用英语怎样说的相关内容 。
arrive late
to arrive late
arrive slightly late
arrive ten minutes late
他迟到了很久 。
He came very late.
迟到者共五人 。
Five people in all arrived late.
请不要迟到 。
Please be on time.
迟到一步就来不及了 。
If you arrive even slightly late then you won't make it.
个别同学上课迟到,影响老师教学 。
Some students are late for class, which affects teachers' teaching.
鲁迅小时候曾在课桌上刻下了“早”字,从此再也不迟到了 。
Lu Xun carved the word "early" on his desk when he was little, and he was never late again.
经过老师的批评教育,李响不再迟到了 。
After the teacher's criticism and education, Li Xiang was no longer late.
要迟到了,小刚急忙背起书包向学校跑去 。
To be late, Xiao Gang hurriedly took up his schoolbag and ran to school.
小林向老师说明了迟到的原因 。
Xiao Lin explained to his teacher the reason for being late.
因为闹钟坏了,所以今天我起晚了,可是我上学并没有迟到 。
Because the alarm clock was broken, I got up late today, but I wasn't late for school.
得到答案后韦小姐才恍然大悟原来这彩信"迟到"了 。
After receiving the answer, Miss Wei suddenly realized that the MMS was "late".
虽然他迟到有客观的原因,却没有及时请假,况且他迟到的原因也是可以克服的 。
Although he was late for objective reasons, he did not ask for leave in time, and the reasons for his being late can be overcome.
今晚的练习你又迟到,我们已经对此忍无可忍了 。
You are late for practice tonight, and we can't put up with it.
每次迟到,他总是会找些冠冕堂皇的理由 。
Every time he arrives late, he always finds some sounding reasons.
他们约好六点见面,但阴错阳差的,双方都迟到了 。
They made an appointment at six, but both sides were late.
因为你迟到了,所以这些生字你需要再重新抄一遍 。
Since you are late, you need to copy the new characters again.
我今天提早出门,可是公交车误点了,最后还是迟到了 。
I went out early today, but the bus was late and I was late.
虽然天下着雨,但是班上没有人迟到 。
Although it was raining, no one was late in class.
He is also late. He laughs at people who are late than himself. It's fifty steps to laugh.
他俩迟到的原因不同,你不能一概而论,处罚结果都是接受批评,吸取教训,罚扫地两天 。
They were late for different reasons, you can't generalize, punishment results are criticism, learn from the lessons, punishment for two days.
她近来总是踩着铃声走进办公室,保不住哪天要迟到 。
【迟到用英语怎样说 迟到用英用英语怎么说】She has been walking into the office on the ringing tone lately, and she will not be late any day.
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