筷子用英语怎么说 叉子用英语怎么说

筷子用 英语 怎么说
筷子的英语说法是chopsticks,英式发音是[?t??pst?ks],美式发音是[?t?ɑp?st?ks] 。chopsticks是chopstick的复数 。chopstick只有名词一种用法,即作名词时意为:筷子 。

筷子用英语怎么说 叉子用英语怎么说

throwaway chopsticks一次性筷子
silver chopsticks银筷;银筷子
My chopsticks我的筷子
1.People see a bunch of scribbles on a chopstick and ask you to translate.
人们在筷子上见到潦草的书法就会要求你翻译出来 。
2.I can use chopstick ( s).
我能用筷子 。
3.Hence, the production of disposable chopstick must be drastically put to an end.
所以要杜绝一次性筷子的生产 。
4.We eat with chopsticks.
我们用筷子来吃 。
5.To show this, she held up one chopstick, representing one person.
为了证明这一点,她举起一根筷子用来代表一个人 。
6.Productive Technology and Equipment for Stainless Steel Chopstick
不锈钢筷子的生产工艺及设备 。
碗的英语是bowl,其英式读音和美式读音均为:[b??l] 。bowl可作名词和动词,当bowl作名词时,可译为:碗;钵;盆;一碗;一钵;一盆等含义;当bowl作动词时,可译为:滚球;投球;把(球)投给击球员;击中三柱门把(击球员)杀出局等含义 。
例句 1. Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl.
把所有的配料放在碗里,搅和一下 。
例句 2. Study on Technology of Mechanized Bowl Making .
机械化制营养钵工艺的研究 。
例句 3. She plunged her face into a bowl of cold water
她把脸扎进一盆凉水里 。
例句 4. There's not much sustenance in a bowl of soup.
一碗汤没多少营养 。
例句 5. She went into the kitchen and filled a bowl with warm water and a little antiseptic to bathe his wounds.
她走进厨房,倒了一钵热水,加上消毒剂,准备给他洗涤伤口 。
例句 6. Helen won't bowl with us; she has her own coterie of bowling friends.
海伦将不与我们一起滚球;她有她自己的保龄球伙伴朋友 。
例句 7. Gooch last night pointed to their bowling as the key to World Cup success.
古奇昨晚指出,他们的投球是在世界杯上取得成功的关键 。
勺子的英语是spoon,其英式读音为[spu?n],美式读音为[spu?n] 。
1、当spoon作为名词时,意为勺;匙;调羹 。
例句:He stirred his coffee with a spoon.
他用一把小勺搅着自己的咖啡 。
Scrape out the flesh of the melon with a spoon.
用小勺挖出瓜瓤 。
Spoon the mixture carefully into the mould
用勺小心地把混合物舀起,倒入模具内 。
A strong one with three spoons for me, please.
请给我来一杯浓茶,放三匙糖 。
That spoon may be small, but my family was great.
银匙虽小,但我的祖先可真是伟大无比 。
The baby was banging the table with his spoon.
小孩用调羹敲打着桌子 。
She licked the honey off the spoon.
她舔光了调羹上的蜂蜜 。
There was a serving spoon missing when Nina put the silverware back in its box.
尼娜将银餐具收拾到盒子里去的时候发现少了一把调羹 。
2、当spoon作为动词时,意为用勺舀 。
例句:She spooned the sauce over the chicken pieces.
她用勺把沙司浇到鸡块上 。
He spooned instant coffee into two of the mugs...
他舀了几勺速溶咖啡放进两个杯子中 。
She was spooning coffee granules into cups.
