bike 自行车用英语怎么说 自行车用英语怎么说呢( 二 )

例句:Now and then they heard the roar of a heavy truck.
他们不时地听到大卡车的轰鸣声 。
Move cylinders using a suitable hand truck or cart.
用合适的手推车或移动钢瓶 。
They were loaded on the railway trucks to go to Liverpool.
它们被装上开往利物浦的货运火车 。
Cylinders should be moved by using a suitable hand truck.
搬动钢瓶要使用合适的手推车 。
Small suitcase or hand truck to lug everything around.
小手提箱或手推车,用来装运身边的东西 。橡胶手套 。
Use a suitable hand truck designed for cylinder movement. Do not drag, roll, or slide containers on their sides.
使用设计用于钢瓶搬运的合适的手推车 。禁止拖拉、旋转或滑动容器 。
There is a tiny man sitting on a box and leaning against a huge truck tire.
这里有一个矮小的男人坐在一个盒子上倚靠这一个巨大的手推车的轮子 。
The integrated control system of truck's assistant brakes based on CAN-Bus is developed.
设计了基于CAN的载重汽车制动集中控制系统 。
2、当truck作为动词时,意为用卡车装运 。
例句:The liquor was sold legally and trucked out of the state.
该酒合法出售,用卡车运出了该州 。
