
1,1改错题 《①.为什么人类对火星始终充满向往?》因为目前观测情况看,《②.火星是最能成为人类第二家园 。》尽管火星上的温度是零下200℃ 。《③但从所有太阳系的行星中,》火星的环境是与地球最相像的 。火星的直径大约是地球的一半,那里还有相当于地球上三分之一的重力和百分之一的大气浓度 。《④有人估算,人类登上火星需要600亿美元的资金,甚至更多 。》最主要的是,探测器已经发现了在火星冰冻的极点和地表下有水存在 。(1)用词不当的一处是(3):,修改: 并且 。(2)意思表达不完整的一处是(2):,修改:火星是最能成为人类第二家园的星球。(3)与这段文字说明中心不一致的一处是(4):,修改:有人估算,人类登上火星需要600亿美元的资金,甚至更多,但都不足以降低人类对火星的探测热情 。》。


2,高中生不改错题怎么办不改错题的话,你很难记住你错的点,高考一分就可以打败好多人,建议还是认真改错题 。

3,英语语法填空和改错怎么得高分记单词的时候,记词组和句子,按此方法可以应对所有英语笔试问题 。记单词的时候,记词组和句子,按此方法可以应对所有英语笔试问题 。记单词的时候,记词组和句子,按此方法可以应对所有英语笔试问题 。【改错题,1改错题】

4,改错题10道 1. were改为was2. too改为either3. is改为was4. policeman改为policemen5. have改为be6. 对的7. on third Sunday改为on the third Sunday8. 去掉time9. have改为has10.去掉the1.amount改成number 2. i had left 3.speaking 变spoken 4. was去掉 5. is去掉,或改成was 6. not so fine 7.第七句标点看不清楚 。但是如果hurry up后面是逗号的话,先要加上and 。另外pack them up,them不可以放在pack 和up 的后面 。8.with改成about 9. 第二个is变成am 10.everything后面加towere wastoo eitheris waspoliceman policemen去掉havethird前加the去timehave has去the5,几个英语改错题 I dont know wether to help him or notWe all expect you to make rapid progressThe results of the research are to published soonLets find a place to put the things in1.a student is allowed to enter this room only if a teacher has given permissionenter是及物动词,不要加介词into 。2.even though sedat had been studying english for three years before he came to the united states,it is difficult for him to express himself.时间状语从句before he came to the united states的时态是一般过去时,因此要用had been studying3.a number of foreign visitors were taken to the industrial exhibithionwherethey saw many new products.定语从句缺少状语,因此不能用which,只能用表示地点的关系副词where或on whichI dont know if help him or notWe all hope you to makeprogress rapidlyThe results of the research are to be published soonLets find a place to put the things onI dont know if help him or notWe all hope you to makeprogress rapidlyThe results of the research are to be published soonLets find a place to put the things on
