reason的用法,用For this reason造句

1 , 用For this reason造句He cheated her so she went away for this reason.He is a lot older than his brother, for this reason, he has to join the army for the family.立刻回家计划经济环境和

reason的用法,用For this reason造句

2 , reason后跟of还是for reason of:由于因为 reason for:...的原因(理由等)其实这是一样的意思 , 翻译也是一样的 , 不信可以去查一下词典 。reason for理由, 动机reason for理由, 动机for都可以 , 意思不一样的!reason for
reason的用法,用For this reason造句

3 , reason的搭配与用法她想要知道为什么越来越少的同学对她的课没有了兴趣for 是后面的for her class 的补充,which引导的定语从句在which前的介词一般都应在后面通过意思查找.why不能引导定语从句爱信不信reason作名词时,常用:①the reason is that...; ②the reason why....如果先行词reason在从句中作主语或宾语时,则用that或which,不用why; ③by reason of由于……的缘故;④for...reason/reasons由于……的原因;⑤out of all reason不合情理;⑥with reason有充分的理由.reason与cause用法不同:reason侧重指某种看法或行为的理由,与for连用;cause侧重指某个事实或现象的原因,与of连用.reason作不及物动词意为“评论”.求采纳谢谢可以用关系副词why , 在定语从句中 , 表原因why=for which【reason的用法,用For this reason造句】
reason的用法,用For this reason造句
